

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

     每過春節(jié),楊正權(quán)都特別忙。除照料生意外,還要走訪看望被自己幫扶的人,尋找新的需要幫助的困難者,甚至還要不厭其煩地謝絕街坊鄰居登門送禮。   在山東威海,楊正權(quán)和他經(jīng)營的“環(huán)翠區(qū)慶威水產(chǎn)購銷部”很有名氣。這并不是因為店鋪的規(guī)模有多么的大或者是商品別具特色,而是因為店主楊正權(quán)誠實守信,是個難得的“實在人”。當(dāng)?shù)厝藢Σ皇胤ń?jīng)營者,總會抬出老楊與其作對照,“你看看人家楊正權(quán)”。
  時間長了,人們知道了楊正權(quán)和他的水產(chǎn)店,遠(yuǎn)近的人都喜歡到他的店里買東西,因此老楊的生意特別地好。十幾年下來,他已積累了千萬元的資產(chǎn)。因為誠實守信,不久前楊正權(quán)經(jīng)營的“環(huán)翠區(qū)慶威水產(chǎn)購銷部” 被國家工商總局和中國個體勞動者私營企業(yè)協(xié)會聯(lián)合授予“全國優(yōu)秀無假貨示范點”,這是威海市個體工商戶獲得的最高榮譽。
  從小受父母的影響,兒子在上大學(xué)時,也經(jīng)常從自己有限的生活費里擠出來一些,資助生活特別困難的同學(xué)。知道了這件事,楊正權(quán)專門寫信表揚了兒子。 “兒子知道怎樣花錢怎樣做人,這是一筆大財富啊!” 楊正權(quán)至今提起此事仍禁不住滿面笑容。
  In Weihai City of Shandong Province, Yang Zhengquan and his Huancui District Qingwei Aquatic Products Store is very famous. It is neither because this is a large store nor because the goods in the store are special. It is because Yang Zhengquan, owner of this store, is an honest and down-to-earth person. When talking about those who make illegal businesses, the local people always say with emotion, “Compare him with Yang Zhengquan, and you will know. ”
  Yang is in his fifties. Years ago, when settling his family in Weihai as a demobilized soldier, he established this store with only 200 yuan, which later was developed into present-day Qingwei Aquatic Products Store. In business, Yang always follows his own tenet that “Honesty is the best policy” for a human being and business, and you should never deviate from it. All the goods in Yang’s store, both the expensive and cheap ones, are well chosen.”To live successfully in the world, first of all, you should be honest.” Yang often educates the younger people around him. He says that among people, only honest treatment can make them fully understand each other, live in harmony, and fully experience the joy of life. Living in Weihai for 30 years, Yang is the frequent visitor of two places. One is the Houjia Middle School located at Boyu Town, the other is the rest home for elderly citizens of Huancui District. Several years ago, there was no well in Houjia Middle School, so the teachers and students had to fetch water from a well several miles away. After knowing this, Yang immediately donated money to dig a deep well for the school.
  On festive occasions, Yang always go to the rest home of Huancui District to see the old people. He takes food for them and talks with them like their family members. On occasion of the Spring Festival, the most ceremonious festival in China, Yang usually buy fabric and invites tailors to sew new dresses for the old people according to their body size. On the very day of the Spring Festival, the old people in new dresses are so happy that they all praise Yang as a good man.
  From 1992, altogether, Yang has donated more than 600,000 yuan of his own money to others. So someone makes a joke that Yang is a “donation professional.” As to this, Yang replies, “Whatever other people say, I feel very happy to offer my aid if they need me, and I have the ability to do that.” In his eyes, money is just part of his fortune. Knowing how to conduct himself and do his best, that is his most precious fortune.
  On the eve of 2002, Yang was hospitalized by sickness. What confused the doctors and nurses was that so many people came to see Yang, such an ordinary businessman. Among the visitors, some were leaders retired or at post, some were governmental officials of the industrial and commercial administrations, some were old people from the rest home, some were teachers and students, some were parents of the students, some were bosses of various stores, and more were laid-off workers. Later, the doctors and nurses got to know that their patient was Yang Zhengquan, a famous, honest, and down-to-earth person.
  However, Yang thinks all he has done is within his duty. “When others need help, if I don’t offer my help on time, though I have the ability, I will feel upset.” So Yang says that as long as he has the ability, he will still continue to offer help to those in need.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:實在 楊正權(quán) “實在人”楊正權(quán) 實在是什么意思 實在人圖片

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