

發(fā)布時間:2017-02-12 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

time短文篇一:2014中考范文This time next year

This time next year

This time next year I will be a senior high school student. My life will be totally different. I will grab chances to join various clubs to improve my ability and make new friends. Furthermore, there is no doubt that my study task will be tougher, and thus I will focus more attention on my lessons and at any time be well prepared for challenges. In addition, next year I hope I will be strong enough to shoulder my responsibility not only for myself but for my family. Being mentally mature is what I am always pursing. In order to achieve those aims, I must develop a habit of solving problems actively and independently as well as care for the people around me. I firmly believe that this time next year I will take on a new look and embrace my life always with a sunny smile!


Do you know anything about the way of shopping in western (西方) countries?

1. _________ first and then they go shopping. 2._________because they can get almost everything in one supermarket. For example(例如), many styles of clothes, food, sports things….And 3.___________. When they get into the supermarket, they carry a basket. Then

4._________. After getting everything they want, they pay the money. Most people go to the supermarket once a week.

for an exam, but he doesn’t want to study. _____1_____ On Friday night he dances. _____2_____ On Saturday afternoon his friends call him, and they have a party in his friend Roger’s home. On Sunday he goes to see a film. _____3_____ Howie doesn’t like it. It is a comedy(喜劇), and Howie doesn’t like comedy very much.

At last, on Sunday night, Howie studies for the exam. _____4_____ On Monday morning, Howie goes to school and takes the exam. He is tired and now he is sorry he didn’t study.

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to go and what animals to visit.

Life is like this. ____2____ For example, on weekends, it is sunny outside. But you are tired. If you spend time sleeping, you can’t enjoy playing soccer with friends. ____3____

Because sometimes we need to give up something in our life. But before you choose, you should know which one is more important. ____4____

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about English. ____1____

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. ____2____ So, you see. ____3____ You must listen to your teacher in class. ____4____ You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes. Then one day, you may find your English very good.

instead of the hotel. ____2____ And we cooked meals ourselves. In the afternoon it began to rain. We had to stay in the tent. ____3____ The people were unfriendly. The camp was really boring, so we decided to go home. We got up at 5:00, left at 5:30 and arrived home at 8:30. ____4____ I ate lots of delicious food and then had a good sleep.

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Tickets for the NBA basketball game are going on sale (出售).____1____ Most of them are going to cheer for their teams. However, there are never enough tickets for everyone. ____2____ At night, when they are waiting, some people play music or sing. ____3____ Sometimes they argue(爭論). ____4____ After waiting all night to buy tickets, they will be too tired to enjoy the game.

____1____ Because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, some students don't know how to save time. They are not careful enough while they do their homework. ____2____Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up (熬夜) very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. ____3____

Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. ____4____ When we have enough time for sleeping, we will find it much better for both our study and health.

The New Year is always a time for celebration.Both China and the U.S. celebrate the New Year with parties and special dinners. ________1_______ It is a new beginning and the perfect time to plan all the great things you are going to do.

It’s December thirty-first, New Year’s Eve. Janet and John Robertson are celebrating the holiday with their children, Wendy and Jason. _______2_______ Next year is going to be an exciting year for the entire family.

New Year, Janet and John are going to take a long vacation. ________3_________ Wendy is going to graduate from high school. Jason’s going to get his driver’s license. ________4_________. John is going to start his own company and Janet is going to help him. They’re all going to try something new.

China launched(發(fā)射) its second man-made spaceship on October 12, 2005, sending two astronauts into space.

The creation of Shenzhou VI will enable the Chinese to explore space in the future. . Its launch opens a new chapter in China’s ambitious(有雄心)moves to become a global space power.

Shenzhou VI lifted off on a Long March 2F rocket from Jiuquan, Gansu Province. It undertook a five-day journey carrying two astronauts, Fei Junlong, 40 years old, and Nie Haisheng 41 years old.

A camera on board showed Nie waving at the launch centre. . Nie’s daughter even sang “Happy Birthday” to her dad during the phone call.

The astronauts were chosen from 14 formerr fighter pilots who were trained for the mission(使命). Shenzhou VI circled around the earth 80 times at the height of up to 347 kilometres above the earth. The spacecraft has three parts: the orbital capsule. Where scientific experiments are carried out; the re-entry capsule, where the astronauts spend most of their time, and the service capsule, which has fuel, air, solar panels and other technical equipment.

Unlike Yang Liwei’s space trip two years ago, Fei and Nie went back and forth in the modules for scientific experiments. A. For the first time, they took off their spacesuits and moved around in the modules freely.

B. It will help China build a space station or travel to the moon.

C. Fei and Nie made long distance calls to their families from space.

D. It was expected to land on the inner Mongolian grassland on October 17.




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Ⅰ. Phonetics(5%)

Directions: In each of following group of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure(20%)

Directions: In this section there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6. Everything stood _______, bathed in the bright and cool moonlight.

A. quietB. quite C. silentD. straight

7. The train is _______ speed. Things outside are backing away slower and slower.

A. reducingB. having C. gaining D. increasing

8. We decided to our journey until the weather clears.

A. put upB. put forwardC. put away D. put off

9. Now people use the word Ms instead of Miss or Mrs before the name of _______ in business letters.

A. woman managerB. women managers

C. woman managersD. women manager

10. _______ with size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. Comparing B. To compareC. Compared D. Having compared

11. The situation is quite serious and will become even worse unless some measures _______.

A. had been taken B. will be taken C. were takenD. are taken

12. She never spends any time clothes. All her time is spent studying.

A. in, inB. in, on C. on, inD. on, on

13. He never any land. Nor did he possess a house of his own.

A. ownedB. masteredC heldD grasped

14. A. FinallyB. GenerallyC. Clearly D. Luckily

15. Hard as he worked, _______ he couldn?t make enough money to support his family.

A. and B. but C. therefore D. \

16. Let?s do the cleaning right after class, _______?

A. will youB. shall weC. do youD. can we

17. Only when he had done it _______ to understand that he had made a mistake.

A. had he come B. he cameC. did he come D. he had come

18. Why, you would _______ a good public speaker, I suppose.

A. fall B. grow C. doD. make

19. I don?t hate homework. As a matter of fact, I?m very fond _______ housework, especially cooking.

A. in B. of C. at D. for

20. When Lenin _______ in Europe he began to fulfill his plans step by step at once.

A. got B. arrivedC. reached D. went

21. I learned German when I was a child, but now I have forgotten everything _______ a few expressions.

A. instead of B. besidesC. except for D. about

22. Whenever I meet him, _______ is fairly often, he shows his sweet and hopeful smile.

A. that B. which C. whenD. what

23. Yesterday he made the suggestion that everybody _______ a dish for the party.

A. madeB. will makeC. must make D. make

24. _______ books you borrow from the library should be returned in two weeks? time.

A. Whatever B. Which C. No matter D. What

25. The students in my class often play ______ basketball after _______ lunch.

A. the, theB. a, the C. \, \D. \, the

Ⅲ. Cloze (20%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one answer that best completes the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Sometimes I feel that being the mother of three small children is like operating a large circus(馬戲團(tuán)).26afternoon last week, my three sons were playing peacefully in the back yard(院子),27the ball from one to . I jumped at the to talk to one of my friends the phone, but before I to the phone, I could tell the boys had begun to quarrel with each other about something. I rushed out to peace, but before I got there Charles had a rock at Mark, and hit him the eye. By the time I got to the back yard, they had begun to about this. Even David, the oldest boy, who won?t usually fight with anybody about (卷入). First, I them stop fighting, and then I examined Mark?s eye. I decided that it wasn?t going tointo a black eye, but I felt that they should at least a little for they had done. “I?m going to to your father about this when he comes home tonight,” I said. “He and I will think of how to punish you.” Things were quiet after that for about half an hour, and then Charlesa glass in the kitchen, and at almost the same , Mark fell out of the


apple tree. I I will be able to laugh at all these things some day. In the meantime(其間), I just pray(祈禱)to heaven for patience.

26. A. CertainB. A C. SomeD. One

27. A. catchingB. throwingC. beating D. playing

28. A. anotherB. an otherC. otherD. the other

29. A. timeB. minute C. moment D. chance

30. A. throughB. in C. onD. by

31. A. wentB. came C. reached D. got

32. A. keepB. make C. getD. have

33. A. thrownB. hit C. beatenD. stricken

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