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本帖最后由 ahmay 于 2012-7-18 13:54 編輯

A Difficult Question

Four girls went to school every day by taxi.

One day one of the girls said,"There's a test this morning.Let's get to school late.Then we won't have to take the test."

"What can we tell the teacher?"one of the girl said."He'll be angry.We'll need a good excuse."

The girls thought for several moments,then one of them said,"Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat tire."

"That's a good idea,"the other girls said."We'll tell him that."They arrived at school an hour later.The test was finished.

"Why are you late?"the teacher asked."You missed the test."

"Our taxi had a flat fire,"one of the girls said.

The teacher thought for a moment,then he said,"Sit down,one of you in each corner of the room."

The four girls did this.

Then the teacher said,"Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question:Which tire was flat?"


1.Choose the best answer a,b,c,d,to these question about the story.

A.How did the girls go to school every day?

(a)by bus(b)by taxi(c)by train(d)they walked

B.Why did the girls want to be late for school? (a)They did not like school.

(b)They wanted to go shopping.

(c)They had not done their homework.

(d)They did not want to take a test.

C.What was the girls' excuse for being late?

(a)They got up late.

(b)They could not get a taxi.

(c)Their taxi had a flat tire.

(d)They forgot the time.

D.Why couldn't the girls answer correctly the teacher's question?

(a)They couldn't remember which tire was flat. (b)There wasn't a flat tire.

(c)They each gave a different answer.

(d)All four tires were flat.

2.Complete the following sentences about the story

by putting in the missing words.

(a)Four girls_____to school every day by taxi.

(b)They did not want to________a test so they arrived at school an hour late.

(c)They__________the teacher their taxi had a flat tire.

(d)He did not____them and asked them which tire was flat.

(e)They could not_____this question.

3.Find words in the story that are opposite in meaning to the following.






Write which excuse is in these sentences,a verb(v.) or a noun(n.).

(a)She has a new excuse every day.

(b)That's the strangest excuse I've every heard. (c)Please excuse my brother,he is not very polite. (d)Excuse me for being so late.



1 Counting chickens

It was Mary's birthday. She r a letter from her uncle who was a farmer.

"Dear Mary," the letter s_2_____. "Happy birthday. I'm sending you some c. They will

arrive tomorrow. I hope you'll like them. Be


st w. Uncle Toby. "

Mary was very p__5____. She liked e eggs and chicken. "I can keep the chickens for

their eggs or eat them. " she t.

When the chickens arrived the next day, they were in a box. Mary was very excited. She

took the box off the b of the truck and began to carry it into her garden, but the box of

chickens was so heavy that she d it.

The box fto the ground and broke. The chickens all ran out. They ran here and there.

Mary spent hours in t to find them.

A few days l her uncle came. He asked, "Did the chickens arrive s?" "Yes, but I

dropped the box. It broke o and chickens ran everywhere. I spent the w morning l_15____ for them. " Mary said.

"Did you find t all?" asked her uncle. "I hope s," Mary r__17____, "but I only celeven of them."

"That's very interesting. I o sent you six. " Her uncle said with a s.

2. A housing problem

Sue and Alan had been d____1__ for many years. Every weekend they went to a movie together

on Saturday night. On Sundays they went to the b in the summer and to the c in the


Sue knew that Alan wanted to m her, and she wanted to marry Alan, too. She waited

p for him to ask her to marry him. However, although he often told her he loved her, he

never said anything about m. This made Sue unhappy. She was n thirty. She believed

that if Alan did not marry her soon she m never marry. She did not want to be a s. She

wanted to have a husband and a family of her o.

One evening, as they were walking home after a movie, she said, "Alan, don't you think it is

time you asked me something?"

Alan thought for a moment. He knew what she was t about. At last he said, "I'm sorry

Sue, but I don't think I have anything to ask you at this time."

"Then I will have to ask you, Alan, "Sue said. "I cannot wait any l. I'm getting old."

She stopped w and looked at him.

"Alan," she said," we've k each other for ten years. I love you and you love me. Will

you marry me?"

Alan took h of Sue's hand.

"Sue," he said, "I want to marry you, but we cannot get married yet. We have n to live.

I do not have much money and n do you. We cannot buy a place of our own."

"That isn't important," Sue said. "We can live with your parents."

Alan s his head.

“I?m sorry but that isn?t p.”

“Why not?” Sue asked.

“Because my parents are still living with their parents,”.

3 Dirty hands

“Have you washed your hands and f?” Billy?s mother asked him.

“Yes,” he said.

“Show me.”

He s___2____ his mother his hands.

“They are f,” she said. “And your face is c in dirt.”

She pulled him into the b. “Now wash your face and hands,” she said.

He did a she told him, but he hated doing it.

“Are you a of soap and water?” his mother asked him.

“No, I?m not afraid of them,” he said. “I just don?t like them. I h washing.”

When he left the house he was clean. By the t he got to school he was dirty again.

“Look at you!” his teacher s. “Your face is filthy. If your hands are dirty, too, you?ll be in t. H out your hands.”

Billy knew his hands were dirty. He quickly s on one and r it on his pants. Then he showed it to the teacher.

“That is not a clean hand, Billy,” she said. “It?s the d hand in the class. I?m going to p you.”

Billy looked a the class. “It?s not the dirtiest hand in the class,” he said.

“All right, Billy,” the teacher said. “If you can show me a d__18____ hand, I w punish you.” With a smile, Billy quickly showed her his o hand.

4 The guitar player

One day Tony was crossing the road when he was h a car. He fell and broke his arm.

An a soon arrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor o on his arm. Then he put the arm in a c. Tony could not move it at all.

“You must keep your arm in a cast for six w____5____.” The doctor said, “That will give the broken b a chance to h.”

At the e of six weeks Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor used a large s to cut the cast. Then he took Tony?s arm out of the cast.

“Can you m your arm, Tony?” he asked.

Tony t to move his arm. At first it was d, but soon he could move it e. “Yes, it?s f__12___”. He said, “Thank you very much”

“In a few days it will be as good as n.” the doctor said, “Just e it a little every day.” “Will I be a to play the guitar” Tony asked.

The doctor smiled, “Of course, you will.” He said, “you will have no p.”

“That?s good n 19 .” Tony said, “Because I c 20 play it at all before.

5 Schooldays

Alice Andrews was very worried about her son, John. He was often unhappy.

One morning she walked into his room, turned o the light,and said, “it?s time to get up, John. You can?t stay in b all day.”

John turned o in bed-He did not want to get up.He turned o the light.

“Don?t go to sleep a,” Alice said. “Get up now or you?ll be l again for school.” She turned the light on again.

Fifteen m later John came into the k and sat down at the table.

“Eat your breakfast quickly,” Alice?s said. “It?s a eight thirty.”

“There?s no h,” John told his mother. “I? m not going to school today.”

“Why not? ” his mother asked. “Is it a h?”

John shook his h. “No,it? s not a holiday.”

Alice s down next to her son and took his hand.

“John,” she said, “tell me what?s wrong. Why do you h school so much?”

For several moments John was s. Then he said, “the teachers b me and the students don?t like me.”

“John,” his mother said, “I?m sorry about that, b you cannot stay at home.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because, dear,” his mother said, “there are two very good r why you must go to school. , you are thirty-five years old-Second,you are the school p.”

6 Importance

Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to t of the most important people in America. One was a very rich bin the world, and the third owned many b in the center of New York.

The reporter was talking to them about b important.

"H do we know if someone is really important?" the reporter asked the banker.

The banker thought for a few moments and then said," I think a who is i to the White House to m the President of the United States is really important. "

The reporter then turned to the o of the very large company. "Do you agree with that?" she asked.

The man s his head, "No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House. You'd only be important if while you were v the President, there was a telephone call from the president of another great p, and the President of the US said he was t busy to answer it. "

The reporter turned to the t man. "Do you think so?"

"No, I don't," he said. "I don't think that makes the v important. That makes the President important. "

"Then what would make the visitor important?" the reporter and the other two men asked. "Oh, I think if the visitor t the White House was talking to the President and the phone r , and the President p up the receiver, listened and then said, 'It's f you.”

7 Nothing Unusual

to him.” Good morning ,” he said .

“I?d like a table for o 2 , please ,”the horse said.” Have you made a r 3?” the waiter asked.

“Yes ,”the horse said ,”I p 4. my name is running boy.”

“Of c 5 ,”the waiter said .”This way, please, running boy. “ down and the waiter “I?d like a s 9 , please,” the horse said.” well-done with a potato and s 10 .” “Certainly,” the waiter said, and went a 11 . “E 14your meal,” he said to the horse and walked away. The horse a15 the it to him, the horse said,” you must think it?s very u –a a well-done steak.”

”Not at all,” the waiter said.” I like it cooked that way m 20 .”

8 Free Tickets They had many friends and were not surprised when they received two .” There ia no letter in the e__7______ with the tickets. many of their friends and asked,” Did you send us ttickets?” “No,” their friends said,” We didn?t send them.”

“It?s s 10 ,” Sylvia told her husband,” but we won?t w 11 the tickets. Everyone says that the play is very good.”

And so they went to the theater. They did not enjoy the play, however, all the time.

The play at eight o?clock and finished at half pten. When they got .

on their front door. “we hope you enjoyed the play.”


9 A Fishy Story

a bigrestaurants. His name was

One day a newspaper reporter asked him, “What is the s of your success?”

Barry thought for a few moments and then said, “I eat a s___7____ kind of fish.”“You eat a special kind of fish!” the reporter said. “What does that do?”

“It makes my bwork better,” Barry said.

“What kind of fish is it?” the reporter asked.

“Give me fifty dand come back tomorrow. I will have some for you.”next day.

“Have you got my special kind of fish?” she asked.

“Yes. Come into the house. It?s in the f.”

the fridge and took out a very small fish?” Barry asked her.

on Barry again.

“Did you eat the fish?” Barry asked her.

“Yes, I f it.”

“Good. Do you feel d 16today?”

“No, I don?t. And I think that fifty dollars was a l 17 to pay for s 18 a small fish.” “Well done!” Barry said. “You see, the fish is w 19 . You?re u20 your brain now.”

10 Lasting A Lifetime

Sidney Hui?s watch was old and it did not too fast or too slow. new watch.

“I want to buy a new watch, please. Show me the b 6 watch you have.” she liked.

“Certainly, sir,” She said, and showed Sidney a gold watch.

“This watch is made of gold and 24 jewels,” she e 9 .

“How much is it?” Sidney asked.

“$5000,” the saleswoman said.

“Oh,” Sidney said. “I?m sorry. You did not understand me. I want to see the best $100.”

some cheap watches at him.

one of these,” she said r

Sidney picked up one of the watches, “Will it last me a l

“Of course,” the saleswoman said.

“Then I?ll buy it,” Sidney told her. He pback to the shop.

“This watch is blifetime.”

“When you bought it, sir,” the saleswoman said, “you didn?t look very w.”





shoemaker, "I'd like you to repair these shoes for me, please." "Certainly, sir," the shoemaker said.

"When will they be ready?" the man asked.

"I'm a bit busy, but they'll be ready for you on Thursday." he said. That's fine," the man said, and left the shop.

airplane to his new job. Twenty years passed and he returned to his hometown.

He remembered his shoes.

"Good morning," he said to him. "Twenty years ago, I brought in a pair of shoes to be repaired. Do you think you've still got them?" "Name?" the old shoemaker asked.

"Smith," the man said.

"I'll go and see. They may be out back.

The shoemaker went out to the back of his shop and a few minutes later returned,carrying the pair of shoes.

"Here we are," he said. "One pair of brown shoes to be repaired. I'm a

After read


① Why did the man go to a shoemaker?_____ .

A. They were old friends

B. He wanted him to make him a new pair of shoes

C. He wanted him to repair a pair of shoes

D. He had a very old pair of boots to repair

② Why didn't the man return to the shoe repair shop on Thursday?

A. He forgot.

B. He went overseas.

C. He was too busy.

D. He knew the shoes would not be ready.

③ The man stayed away from his hometown_____ .

A. until Thursday

B. until the next morning

C. for about twenty years

D. for a few days

④ What did the man do when he returned to his hometown?

A. He looked for a new job.

B. he bought a new pair of shoes.

C. He visited all his friends.

D. He returned to the shoemaker to get his shoes.

⑤ The man finally found that_____ .

A. his shoes had been repaired

B. the shoemaker had lost his shoes

C. the shoemaker had already repaired the shoes

D. the shoes hadn't been repaired yet


(a) The shoemaker was an old man when the man first brought his shoes to be repaired._____ (b) The shoemaker worked in the same shop for over twenty years._____

(c) Twenty years passed before the shoemaker repaired the shoes._____

(d) The shoemaker only repaired shoes on Thursdays._____

(e) The shoes the man took to be repaired were black._____


(a) of course ___________________________________

(b) having many things to do ___________________________________

(c) fixed ___________________________________

(d) the place where you grow up ___________________________________

(e) came back ___________________________________


One day a man _________ a pair of shoes to a shoemaker to be _______. The next day he

_______ a letter which offered him a_________ overseas. He took the job and did not return to his hometown for ________ years. He _________ his shoes and went to the shoe repair shop. His shoes were still not _________.


repare -----

receved ------

probly ------

carring ------


a pair of 的用法

? 英語中有許多量詞,本故事中出現(xiàn)的“a pair of“是量詞,指”一雙“的意思 a pair of socks——一雙襪子


a pair of pants(褲子) ——

a pair of shorts(短褲)——

a pair of gloves(手套)——

a pair of earrings(耳環(huán)) ——

apair of sneakers(便鞋), boots(靴子) ——

a pair of glasses(眼鏡)——

? 盡管a pair of 指”兩個“或”一雙“,在表示一條褲子和一副眼鏡時,仍用a pair of,


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