
和莎士比亞同時代的中國戲劇大師 在中國教授莎士比亞戲劇

發(fā)布時間:2020-02-17 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  編譯/ 張晨婁       編者按:隨著北京2008年奧運會的臨近,民眾越來越關(guān)心“中國”品牌的樹立,學習英語的熱情也被點燃。越來越多的外宣干部和業(yè)內(nèi)同行向我們表達了期待看到雙語欄目的愿望。因此,我們自2006年第1期起開辦了《雙語視窗》欄目以滿足廣大讀者的需求。
   原文: I believe there are few better ways to learn a language and a culture than through its drama. Indeed, western civilization’s cultural milestone’s, from ancient Greece to the current hit shows on New York’s Broadway and London’s West End, are most often denoted through the language of its playwrights. Without Shakespeare, the English language would be poorer by thousands of words, idioms, and routine tools of discourse. Without Eugene O Neill, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and David Mamet, much the same would be true of contemporary American English.
  Of the several different hats I wear professionally-American author, journalist, screenwriter, actor, director and educator―it is as a professor of journalism and drama at Beijing Foreign Studies University that I was given the opportunity to finally put my belief to the test. There is a burgeoning interest in performing English language Shakespeare at some 3 dozen major Chinese universities; BFSU (Beiwai) is among this vanguard. The catalyst for the trend is the Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, now in its third year of existence.
  I have long wanted to take Laurence Olivier’s definitive 1965traditional’ modern interpretation of William Shakespeare’sOthello, the Moor of Venice,to what I believe is its next emotionally, theatrically logical expression (the now deceased Sir Laurence Olivier is considered the 20th century’s greatest Shakespearean actor). In sum, I wanted to take it to a higher level of both enraged lethality and tenderly romantic ambiguity: the polar extremes between pure love and mind-breaking sexual jealousy, a notion that is considered heretical by many.
  In my almost 35-year history with the play, the absolute murderous resolve of Othello’sIt is the causeinvocation in Desdemona’s bed-chamber death scene Act V, Scene II, the deadly climax of what I believe is Shakespeare’s most perfect play. I had a dream of how I would like to do the show if I ever again got the opportunity. Little did I know it would come in China with Chinese student actors performing English Elizabethan English in iambic pentameter, no less as a second language!
  We have Othello carry the dead Desdemona in his arms from the white-on-white sanctity of the killing-bed to the apron of the stage and lay her gently on the floor, in effect giving her to the audience while he does his “Now, how dost thou look now soliloquy”. One would think it not logical or seemly to place such a treasure upon the ground; but, because it is Shakespeare, who knew the power of direct address’ upon an audience, it works. Even more so when Othello soon dies from his self-inflicted wound stretched out along the apron in an extension of the line with Desdemona’s body, their faces over-lapping, and their lips almost touching―with the maid-servant Emilia’s body extending the line further still, but upstage a pace, adding a richly layered tableau before the stage goes to black.
  We took big risks creatively, although staying faithful to the standard script, and period. And we did not lose; we made the finals and will present the scene live in Hong Kong in late May. In truth, I am far more relieved than I am excited at making the finals. I would have had to dig a very deep hole and get into it still shoveling if the DVD of our live performance at Beiwai in late December had not been chosen as one of the 12 finalists, after all, my competitors are primarily Chinese professors directing live theatre for the first time, and doing it in a second language.
  But I am exceedingly proud of our student actors; they astonished me. It takes years for native English speaking actors to learn how to perform Shakespeare; most whom try are never successful at it. These Chinese university students did it in about two-and-a-half months! And they did it in such a way that my spine would tingle even during rehearsals. They were fearless, intuitive and trusting, which allowed us to realize my longtime goal of staging a different “Othello” .
  I have not a clue if we will stage a winning “Othello” in Hong Kong. I do know our student actors―Othello (Cui Xinyu), Desdemona (Li Jing) and Emilia (Liang Xingyi)―are polished enough to win it all. However, I do not know if my self-indulgent staging convictions are good and true enough to win in Hong Kong, or anywhere else for that matter.
  The prize is quite nice if we do win, a trip to London and the full Shakespeare tour this summer for the three actors; the director gets to tag along.省略)

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