

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-02-17 來(lái)源: 短文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:

     The Real China Emerges from Clichés and   編者按:隨著北京2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì)的臨近,民眾越來(lái)越關(guān)心“中國(guó)”品牌的樹立,學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)的熱情也被點(diǎn)燃。越來(lái)越多的外宣干部和業(yè)內(nèi)同行向我們表達(dá)了期待看到雙語(yǔ)欄目的愿望。因此,我們自2006年第1期起開(kāi)辦了《雙語(yǔ)視窗》欄目以滿足廣大讀者的需求。
  I am a child of the Cold War. During the 1950s, I was taught to fear China. Fortunately, much has changed since then.
  When I came to China in August 1999 to teach American constitutional law, I didn’t know what to expect. I came because I was curious, because China is so interesting and because China is so important. Before I left, when people in America would ask me why I was going, I would answer simply: “Because it’s China.”
  The U.S.Fulbright Program gave me an excellent opportunity to come to China, just as it gives Chinese (and other nationals) the opportunity to go to America. Although you go to teach, research or study, the real purpose, I think, is to enhance mutual understanding. When I return home I will tell other Americans about the “real China” I saw. Here is some of what I will say.
  Rather than seeing the “Red China” I learned to fear as a child, or the “capitalist China” some in the West now predict as the inevitable outcome of human nature, I saw real people.
  I saw thousands of workers, many of whom were brought in from the countryside, working long and hard at construction. Beijing changed before my eyes. I saw people in restaurants from all walks of life, talking, drinking and laughing. Sometimes they were so engrossed in conversation they seemed to forget the delicious (and abundant) food before them.
  I saw people heartily enjoying such little things: morning exercises and evening dances, all in the street. I saw people struggling against life’s difficulties, big and small, with perseverance and even good humor. People rode their bicycle to work, in the freezing cold and the blistering heat. Other people patiently sit in traffic. Still others allow some people to nudge ahead of them in line.
  I will never forget the ease with which Chinese women (and sometimes men) perch themselves side-saddle on the back rack of bicycles, expert in their balance, impervious to cars racing by. Or how Chinese men (and sometimes women) simply squat on their heels and play cards or mahjong for hours.
  I cannot forget, however, that I also saw a woman get arrested, ten feet from me. I think I know why.
  The reason I have grown to like China so much is the people. And the people I have come to know the best are my students: students simply trying to make a life for themselves, trying to understand their rapidly changing world, curious about me, and about my ideas. I have never felt more appreciated anywhere I have taught.
  I admire my students for their desire to learn and the difficulties they brave. Graduate students all, mostly lawyers or notaries, they were housed five to a small dorm room with no space to study. And they were studying a difficult subject, U.S. constitutional law, in English-to them foreign ideas in a foreign language. I learned to speak more slowly (not easy for a New Yorker) and then to listen more quickly. Over time the bonds between us grew.
  Thanksgiving evening last year I was sitting alone in my apartment, trying not to feel lonely on my national holiday, usually spent with family. The telephone rang. My students swept me out of my house. No turkey, of course, but good friends, and Peking duck, a much tastier bird. Then, “ganbei”with baijiu. Thanksgiving in Beijing, an event unimaginable most of my life.
  Too often people speak as if good communication can solve all problems, as if real differences of viewpoint, opinion or interests do not exist. There are real disagreements, however, between many Chinese and Americans on issues from human rights, to missile defense systems, to Chinese claims of American “interference”, to ideas about religious freedom.
  Friendship and mutual respect, however, do bring real rewards. They foster a human bond that cannot easily be dissolved by differences in viewpoint, or the complexity of international affairs or even the hurts and suspicions of history. When mutual respect and liking develop, new things?although not all things?are possible. Better understanding does not render confrontation impossible, but it makes it a little less likely. You learn to hear what others say, feel what they feel, think again about what you were sure you knew.
  Respect and understandings often the urge to demonize, to insist that another people or nation is the source of all that’s wrong or evil. Now when you have this urge, real faces appear before you. He was your colleague, she was your friend, they were your students and they treated you so well. These are not the faces of the enemy.
  They were-they are-real people, maybe not just like you, but much more like you than you ever imagined. And when they are different from you, often it is in very interesting, even intriguing ways.省略)
  責(zé)編:周 瑾

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