

發(fā)布時間:2020-02-17 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  It is always exciting to be in Beijing, with its many cultural sites and activities, and the excitement is even greater during the preparation for the Olympics. But I wonder how accessible Beijing cultural sites and the Olympics are to the handicapped. Will everyone who wants to and can afford it get access to them?
  Last year we kicked off a program of English classes for the handicapped as part of the "Beijing Learns Foreign Languages Program", but we have not yet figured out how to involve our handicapped citizens in some meaningful, personal way. This is unfortunate: if we cannot get disabled residents involved, then how can we involve the thousands of handicapped people from around the world who, if they knew Beijing was really accessible to visitors in wheelchairs, would flock to enjoy the city and the Olympics? These could be the first truly accessible Olympics. And long after the Olympics, the benefits of making the city accessible to the handicapped would continue to be felt in the higher number of disabled tourists and their families visiting a convenient and welcoming Beijing.
  This would be excellent public relations for Beijing as a modern yet caring international city that reaches out to all segments of society. Too often the handicapped are thought of as poor stay-at-homes, but this is not really the case. Throughout the world there are many wealthy and middle-class people with disabilities who like to travel and have the money to do so. But access to public places for visitors in wheelchairs is generally scarce in developing countries -- and of course, ancient historic sites were not constructed with wheelchair access in mind. But without impairing the beauty and historic authenticity of those sites, ways can readily be found to open them to a wider public.
  Here are my proposals:
  (1) An annual "Access-Able Beijing Day". On this day, local residents and foreign tourists or residents with disabilities (especially those in wheelchairs or on crutches) would visit Beijing hotels, restaurants, tourist shopping areas, the airport and train stations to see how accessible they are. Those found to be truly accessible would be allowed by the Beijing city government to advertise themselves as ACCESS-ABLE; they would receive an attractive decal officially announcing the fact for the front of their businesses. The Handicapped Federation would hold a press conference and give certificates of recognition to those businesses and sites that are most accessible or which, in the following years, make the most progress in becoming accessible. This would be good for the reputation of the businesses.
  (2) An annual "Access-Able Culture Day". Again, disabled locals and foreigners would visit Beijing museums and historic parks to highlight the fact that they are accessible and to point out where appropriate changes could be made. The more accessible ones would become favored destinations for tourists and tourist dollars. Positive media coverage, especially for international audiences, would be crucial.
  (3) "Access-Able Olympics". Imagine the games being held under this motto: "The Beijing Olympics: the ACCESS-ABLE party for everyone!" The details could best be worked out by the skilled planners of the Beijing Olympics Committee.
  (4)"I"m an access guide". I propose that this is what we have written on LARGE yellow buttons or sashes worn by handicapped Beijing residents or their family members who would be specially trained to serve as guides for tourists with disabilities. These guides should all be handicapped Beijingers or their family members, people who already fully understand the fears and potential problems that handicapped tourists may have. Thus they would be much better than ordinary tour guides at reassuring handicapped visitors, providing suitable advice and helping with problems.
  To make this initiative a success, the guides would have to be selected with care and given extensive training in languages, tour guide principles and knowledge of specific cultural sites. These guides would play a vital role in assuring the tourists that Beijing is accessible; their availability should be widely publicized abroad with tour/travel agencies. The cost of their employment could be borne by the tourists as part of the package deal with the travel agent or particular tour arrangements made by specific hotels. Besides providing extra income for the guides, this would give handicapped Beijingers a genuinely meaningful and valuable role in refashioning Beijing"s image as a modern city with a heart.
  What do you think of these ideas?

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