

發(fā)布時間:2019-09-02 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  摘要 [目的]探討栗茶間作與覆草對茶園生長環(huán)境和茶葉品質(zhì)的影響。[方法]通過栗茶間作、覆草試驗,調(diào)查相應(yīng)的環(huán)境氣候、土壤情況,觀察茶樹芽葉生長狀況,比較茶樣相關(guān)品質(zhì)成分。[結(jié)果]栗茶間作降低了風(fēng)速和光照強度,提高了環(huán)境溫度、濕度;覆草提高了土壤有機質(zhì)及有效N、P、K的含量,減少了水土流失,增加了土壤含水量,提高了冬季地溫;栗茶間作、覆草均增加了水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡堿含量,降低了酚/氨比。[結(jié)論]栗茶間作、覆草可以有效地調(diào)節(jié)茶樹生長環(huán)境,改善土壤狀況,調(diào)節(jié)茶葉酚/氨比,有利于茶葉品質(zhì)的形成。
  關(guān)鍵詞 間作;覆草;生長環(huán)境;品質(zhì)
  中圖分類號 S571.1 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼 A 文章編號 0517-6611(2016)34-0026-02
  Effect of Chestnut-Tea Intercropping and Covering Straw on the Tea Tree Growth Environment and Quality of Tea
  LIU Xiang-dong1,BI Cai-hong1,TAN Jian-ping2 et al
  (1.Linyi Fruit and Tea Technology Extension and Service Center,Linyi,Shandong 276000;2.Linyi Agricultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment,Linyi,Shandong 276000)
  Abstract [Objective]To discuss the effect of intercropping and covering straw on tea garden environment and the quality of tea.[Method]By test of chestnut-tea intercropping and covering straw,we investigated the corresponding environmental climate and soil conditions,observed the tea tree growth status,and compared the difference of related quality components.[Result]Chestnut-tea intercropping reduced the wind speed and illumination intensity,improved the environment temperature and humidity.Covering straw played the role of improving the content of the organic matter and N, P, K in the soil,reduced water and soil loss,increased soil moisture content, improved the ground temperature in winter.The aqueous extract, tea polyphenol, caffeine, amino acid had different degrees of improvement, and reduced ratio of polyphenols and amino acids.[Conclusion] Chestnut-tea intercropping,covering straw can effectively adjust the tea tree growth environment, improve soil condition, and adjust the ratio of tea polyphends to amino.All that are beneficial to the formation of tea quality.
  Key words Intercropping;Covering straw; Growth environment;Quality
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 試驗時間、地點及材料
  1.2 試驗設(shè)計與方法
  覆草:2010—2014年在沂水縣院東頭鎮(zhèn)進(jìn)行茶園覆草,以福鼎大白茶為供試茶園,1年覆2次,第1次在6月上旬,第2次在10月下旬,將麥糠、麥秸、稻草等均勻鋪于茶園地面上,厚度約20 cm,覆完后在上面撒蓋少量土壤,以防被大風(fēng)吹走。以相鄰?fù)晟锤膊莶鑸@為對照(CK),其他管理措施相同。2014年1月19日測定凍土層厚度,6月10日測定土壤相關(guān)因子,并觀察茶樹芽葉生長狀況,采摘一芽二葉茶樣進(jìn)行相關(guān)品質(zhì)成分測定。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:間作 茶樹 茶葉 生長 品質(zhì)

版權(quán)所有 蒲公英文摘 www.newchangjing.com