發(fā)布時間:2019-08-30 來源: 短文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:
中圖分類號 R917 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)志碼 A 文章編號 1001-0408(2018)02-0172-04
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2018.02.07
摘 要 目的:建立翻白草藥材的高效液相色譜(HPLC)指紋圖譜,并進(jìn)行真?zhèn)舞b別。方法:采用HPLC法,色譜柱為InertSustain C18,流動相為0.1%甲酸溶液-乙腈(梯度洗脫),流速為1.0 mL/min,檢測波長為360 nm,柱溫為30 ℃,進(jìn)樣量為10 μL。以蘆丁為參照,繪制19批翻白草藥材樣品和2批委陵菜藥材樣品的HPLC圖譜,采用《中藥色譜指紋圖譜相似度評價系統(tǒng)》(2004)對21批藥材樣品進(jìn)行相似度評價,確定19批翻白草藥材樣品的共有峰,采用SPSS 21.0統(tǒng)計軟件進(jìn)行聚類分析和主成分分析。結(jié)果:19批翻白草藥材樣品的HPLC圖譜有18個共有峰, 相似度均大于0.9,其HPLC圖譜與對照指紋圖譜具有較好的一致性;而2批委陵菜藥材樣品相似度均小于0.7。21批藥材樣品可聚為2大類,即2批委陵菜藥材樣品為一類,19批翻白草藥材樣品為一類,而翻白草藥材樣品可聚為4類;19批翻白草藥材樣品中蘆丁、槲皮苷為主成分。結(jié)論:所建指紋圖譜可為翻白草藥材的真?zhèn)舞b別和質(zhì)量評價提供參考。
關(guān)鍵詞 翻白草;高效液相色譜法;指紋圖譜;真?zhèn)舞b別
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To establish HPLC fingerprints of Potentilla discolor, and to conduct authenticity identification. METHODS: HPLC method was adopted. The determination was performed on InertSustain C18 column with mobile phase consisted of 0.1% formic acid solution-acetonitrile (gradient elution) at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detection wavelength of 360 nm, column temperature of 30 ℃, sample size of 10 μL. Using rutin as reference, HPLC chromatograms of 19 batches of P. discolor and 2 batches of P. chinesis were determined. TCM Fingerprint Similarity Evaluation System (2004) was used for similarity evaluation of 21 batches of samples, and common peak identification of 19 batches of P. discolor. SPSS 21.0 statisticl software was used for main component analysis and cluster analysis. RESULTS: There were 18 common peaks in HPLC fingerprints of 19 batches of P. discolor, the similarity was higher than 0.9. HPLC chromatogram was in good agreement with control fingerprint. The similarity of 2 batches of P. chinesis was lower than 0.7. The 21 batches of medicinal materials could be grouped into 2 categories, 2 batches of P. chinesis could be grouped into a category, 19 batches of P. discolor could be grouped into a category. P. discolor could be grouped into 4 categories. Rutin and quercitrin were main ingredients in 19 batches of P. discolor. CONCLUSIONS: Established fingerprint can provide reference for authenticity identification and quality evaluation of P. discolor.
KEYWORDS Potentilla discolor; HPLC; Fingerprint;Authenticity identification
翻白草(Potentilla discolor Bge)為薔薇科委陵菜屬植物,又名雞腳草、雞腿根、雞腿兒、葉下白、天青地白、白背葉等,是一種多年生草本植物[1]。翻白草性平,味甘、微苦,歷代本草記載其具有止血止痢、清熱解毒、消腫之功效;民間有利用翻白草代茶飲治療糖尿病的記載,現(xiàn)代研究也表明其具有治療2型糖尿病的作用[2-3]。委陵菜由于形似翻白草,常為人們混用。目前,已從翻白草藥材中分離得到多種黃酮類、多酚類、萜類和甾體類成分[4-7]。但2015年版《中國藥典》(一部)僅以薄層色譜鑒別、浸出物含量測定對其進(jìn)行質(zhì)量控制,無法全面地反映該藥材品質(zhì)。本課題組對21批翻白草和委陵菜藥材進(jìn)行研究,建立了翻白草藥材的高效液相色譜(HPLC)指紋圖譜,并對其與委陵菜進(jìn)行了真?zhèn)舞b別,可為全面控制和評價翻白草藥材的質(zhì)量提供參考依據(jù)。
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