

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  摘要 [目的]為了驗證微生物肥在煙草上的作用。[方法]采用田間試驗的方法,研究煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥對煙株生長發(fā)育、煙葉產(chǎn)質(zhì)量等方面的影響。[結(jié)果] 與對照相比,施用煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥1 200和1 800 kg/hm2處理均可促進煙株移栽后50 d前的生長,經(jīng)濟性狀增加。煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥處理可以增加煙葉的總糖、還原糖、煙堿、糖堿比,降低煙葉的總氮、氮堿比,糖堿比、氮堿比更趨協(xié)調(diào)。施1 200 kg/hm2煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥處理中部煙葉有香氣量增加、雜氣和刺激性減輕的趨勢;施1 800 kg/hm2煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥處理上部煙葉有雜氣和刺激性減輕、余味變舒適的趨勢。[結(jié)論] 在廣東南雄煙區(qū)沙泥田施用定型煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥有促進生長、提高產(chǎn)量和改善煙葉內(nèi)在質(zhì)量的趨勢。
  關(guān)鍵詞 微生物肥;煙葉生長;產(chǎn)質(zhì)量
  中圖分類號 S144 文獻標(biāo)識碼 A 文章編號 0517-6611(2015)33-192-03
  Effects of Microfertilizer on Growth, Yield and Quality of Tobacco Leaves
  FU Xianzhong1, YE Xiaoqing2, CHEN Yufeng2
 。1.Nanxiong Science Institute of Guangdong Tobacco, Nanxiong, Guangdong 512400; 2. Shenzhen Tobacco Industry Co., LTD, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000)
  Abstract [Objective] The research aimed to verify the effects of microfertilizer on the tobacco. [Method] With the field trial, the effects of tobacco compound microfertilizer on the growth, yield and quality of the tobacco leaves were studied. [Result] Compared with the control, 1 200 kg/hm2 and 1 800 kg/hm2 tobacco compound microfertilizer could promote the growth before 50 days of tobacco transplantation and increase the economic traits. The treatments could increase the tobacco total sugar, reducing sugar, nicotine and ratio of sugar and alkali, decrease the total nitrogen and ratio of nitrogen and alkali, and ratio of sugar and alkali and ratio of nitrogen and alkali became more coordinate. 1 200 kg/hm2 tobacco compound microfertilizer had the trend of the increase of aroma amount and the decrease of offensive odor and irritation in the middle section. 1 800 kg/hm2 tobacco compound microfertilizer had the trend of the decrease of offensive odor and irritation and remaining taste were becoming comfortable. [Conclusion] In sandymuddy field of Nanxiong tobacco area, Guangdong Province, the tobacco compound microfertilizer can promote the growth, increase the yield and improve the inherent quality of tobacco leaves.
  Key words Microfertilizer; Growth of tobacco leaves; Yield and quality
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 試驗材料
  2014年,試驗安排在深圳煙草工業(yè)有限公司廣東省南雄市湖口基地單元科技示范園。供試土壤類型為沙泥田,pH 5.63,有機質(zhì)2.449%,全氮0.137%,全磷0.046%,全鉀0.965%,水解氮132 mg/kg,速效磷25.6 mg/kg,速效鉀49.5 mg/kg。供試烤煙品種為粵煙98,由廣東省煙草南雄科學(xué)研究所提供。煙草專用復(fù)合微生物肥由定型生產(chǎn)廠家提供,有機質(zhì)>30%,N、P2O5、K2O總養(yǎng)分>6%;煙草專用復(fù)合肥、硝酸鉀肥、硫酸鉀采用煙草公司定配肥料;豬糞、餅肥煙農(nóng)自己購買。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:煙葉 微生物 生長 質(zhì)量 影響

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