發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:
摘 要:為探明煙田套種大蒜后土壤微生物群落變化,特別是煙田土壤中煙草根莖病菌的數(shù)量及對煙葉內在品質影響,在龍巖煙區(qū)開展了套種大蒜對煙田土壤微生物及煙葉品質影響試驗。結果表明,煙田套種大蒜能明顯減少煙田土壤中細菌、真菌數(shù)量,特別是減少煙草青枯菌和黑脛病菌數(shù)量,而增加煙田放線菌數(shù)量。套種大蒜對煙葉內在化學成分及煙葉評吸質量無明顯負面影響。在煙草根莖病嚴重的局部煙田可通過套種大蒜控制該類病害的發(fā)生與危害,從而減少化學農藥的使用,提高煙葉安全性,減少環(huán)境污染。
中圖分類號:S572.06 文章編號:1007-5119(2015)04-0075-05 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2015.04.013
Effects of Garlic Intercropping on Soil Microbial Communities and Tobacco Leaf Quality
LAI Rongquan1,2,3
(1. College of Plant Protection, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 2. Tobacco Production Technology Center, Longyan City Corporation of Fujian Province Tobacco Corporation, Longyan, Fujian 364000, China; 3. Longyan Substation of Fujian Science and Research Institute of Tobacco Farming, Longyan, Fujian 364000, China)
Abstract: In order to study the effects of garlic intercropping on soil microbial communities, including pathogens of tobacco root and stem diseases and tobacco quality, field trials were conducted in Longyan of Fujian in China. The results showed that the numbers of bacteria and fungi decreased in garlic intercropping fields. In particular, the numbers of tobacco pathogens Ralstonia solanacearum E.F.Smith and Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae were also reduced (betweeen 24.46×104 and 27.67×104 cfu/g or betweeen 29.76×103 and 63.52×103 cfu/g, respectively) in the soil of tobacco fields intercropping with garlic. The number of actinomycete, on ther other hand, was promoted by intercropping with garlic in fields. The quality of tobacco leaves was not affected negatively. The results suggest that the tobacco pathogens Ralstonia solanacearum E. F. Smith and Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae are inhibited by garlic intercropping. Therefore, we may take advantage of garlic intercropping to control the diseases of tobacco root and stem. With less usage of chemical pesticides, this approach could enhance the safety of tobacco leaves and protect environment.
Keywords: tobacco; garlic; soil microbe; tobacco leaf quality
煙草青枯。≧alstonia solanacearum)和煙草黑脛病(Phytophthora nicotianae)是我國南方煙區(qū),特別是福建煙區(qū)主要的根莖病害,每年造成的煙葉損失甚為嚴重[1-6]。這兩種病害初侵染源主要在煙田土壤中生存和繁殖,條件適宜時,煙草青枯病菌主要從煙株基部傷口侵入,通過維管束傳播并對煙株產(chǎn)生危害,造成煙株吸收水分、營養(yǎng)障礙,使煙株表現(xiàn)出枯萎癥狀,嚴重時整株枯死[1]。雖然防治效果方面有很多研究[6],但關于病原數(shù)量變動與病害發(fā)生,特別是煙葉內在質量系統(tǒng)研究分析的較少。而大蒜(Allium sativum L.),特別是大蒜分泌物對多種病原真菌、細菌均有明顯的抑制作用[7-8]。在蕃茄、辣椒、西瓜、黃瓜等作物上能減少或抑制病害的發(fā)生[9-11]。因此,本項目