

發(fā)布時間:2017-02-04 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:










5 UNIT 2

What’s She Like?

Describing the Appearance and Character of People


In your everyday life, you usually have to answer questions such as “What’s so-and-so like?” This

question doesn’t mean that you have to exactly describe the appearance of this person. The best way to answer this kind of question is to point out what kind of person he or she is and then maybe the

characteristics of his or her appearance. To ask about a person’s appearance specifically, the question “What does so-and-so look like?” is usually used. Consider the following clues in describing people. Physical description: general personal impression, age, height, face, clothes and so on. Other

characteristics: personality, job, interests or hobbies, their life history, achievements, family and so on. Make sure you realize that the description of a person or place should be tactful. It is extremely rude to say to someone something like this: “You are a narrow-minded overweight middle-aged person!” Answers to the Questions:

1. “What’s so-and-so like?” emphasizes the kind of person he or she is.

“What does he look like?” emphasizes the appearance of a person.

2. General personal impression, age, height, hair, clothes and so on.

Background Information:

Note that most British and American people use feet and inches to describe height, and that the British often use stones to describe weight, while the Americans use pounds. For example:

6 foot = 1.83 metres (1 foot = 12 inches)

5 foot 6 = 1.68 metres (1 metre = 3 foot 3 inches)

10 stone = 140 pounds = 63 kilos (14 pounds = 1 stone)

12 stone = 168 pounds = 76 kilos (1 kilo = 2.2 pounds)

15 stone = 210 pounds = 95 kilos

Part One Listening In

Ken: Hello?

Mary: Hi, Ken. It’s Mary, Mary Graham.

Ken: Oh hi, Mary. How are you?

Mary: I’m fine. How are you? Ken: Fine. Mary: Listen, um... I want to ask you some questions about Jim Wilson—you know him, don’t you? Ken: Sure. Mary: What’s he like? Ken: Well, why are you asking about Jim? Mary: Well, I want to try and get a part-time job at his store... Ken: Oh, well Jim’s a nice guy... Mary: Mm-hmm. Ken: I mean he’ll give you decent hours, a decent wage, and plenty of breaks. Mary: Well, that sounds good. Um, what does he look like? I’ve got to meet him at the Sunset Restaurant for lunch and I can’t remember. Ken: Oh, well he’s about thirty-six... Mary: Uh-huh. Ken: ... six-foot-two... Mary: Oh, sounds kind of nice. Ken: Mm. Mary: Um, is he a, a formal kind of guy, or does he dress casually? Ken: Oh, he rarely dresses casually. He always wears three-piece suits and ties—dresses very much in style. Mary: Oh, I see, I better dress up then... Ken: Yeah, it might be a good idea. Answers to the Questions: 1. He’s a nice guy. 2. He’s about thirty-six and six-foot-two. He always wears three-piece suits and ties—dresses very much in style. 3. Because she wants to try and get a part-time job at his store.

Discussion Questions: 1. When do people in China dress formally and when do they dress casually? 2. How do people in China dress when they take a job interview? Part Two Better Listening Section A 006: You’d better give me my instructions. I have to leave soon. Z: Just a minute, 006. I have a message for you. You have to meet the Boss, tonight. 006: Oh no! Not... the Boss!


5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 Z: That’s right, 006! He’ll be in a disco called Mama Mia tonight at ten o’clock. 006: In a disco? But... I’ve never met him! What does he look like? Z: Well, he’s very tall, very tall, and he has very long, dark hair. 006: Long hair? How old is he? Z: Mm... About forty-five, I guess. 006: And what about a flower? Will he be wearing a flower of any kind? Z: A flower? No. But he will be wearing a T-shirt saying “Bruce Springs is the Boss!” 006: A Bruce Springs T-shirt?! All right, Z. And thanks! Z: Good luck, 006. And enjoy the disco! Listen carefully. You have to meet Agent X at the bus station at 7:00 this evening. Answers to the Questions: 1. The Boss will be in a disco called Mama Mia tonight at ten o’clock. 2. He’s very tall with long, dark hair. He is about forty-five and wearing a Bruce Springs T-shirt. Section B

Conversation One Reporting a Crime Policeman: You say he was around average height. Victim: Yes, that’s right. Around five nine, five ten. Policeman: Weight? Victim: I’m not sure. Medium, I suppose. Maybe a little on the heavy side. Policeman: Any marks on his face? Victim: No, I don’t think so. Policeman: Glasses? Victim: No. Policeman: What about his hair? Victim: Black or dark brown.

Policeman: Long or short? Straight? Curly? Victim: Straight, I think, and about average length. Policeman: Boy, this sure doesn’t help us very much. It could be anybody. How about his clothes? What was he wearing? Victim: Well, he had a checked or a plaid shirt—you know, the kind that lumberjacks wear. Policeman: OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Pants? Victim: Dark, maybe dark blue, maybe black. I’m not sure. Policeman: What kind of shoes? Victim: Boots. Policeman: Cowboy boots? Victim: No, hiking boots—brown ones.


Policeman: All right, that narrows it down a little. Now I want you to look at some pictures. (a picture) Answers to the Question:

Conversation Two A: Pardon me. Would you know who that gentleman over there is? B: The one with the moustache, you mean? A: That’s right. B: That’s Mr. Thayer, the delegate from Australia. A: Do you know who that gentleman is? B: Which gentleman? A: The one who’s talking to the man from India. B: Oh, yes. That’s Dr. Koo. He’s the delegate from Taiwan. A: I wonder who that delegate is. B: Which one? A: The attractive woman in the long skirt. B: That’s Mrs. Nababan. She’s from Indonesia. A: What a wonderful costume that delegate is wearing. B: Which one do you mean? A: The man who’s standing next to the door. B: Ah, yes. That’s the delegate from Nigeria. Mr. Achebe, I think. A: Who’s that woman talking to Mr. de Souza? B: The one in the black evening gown? A: Yes, that’s right. B: That’s Mrs. Baldez from Mexico. Answers to the Question: Mr. Thayer Australia with the moustache Dr. Koo Taiwan talking to the man from India Mrs. Nababan Indonesia attractive, in the long skirt Mr. Achebe Nigeria standing next to the door Mrs. Baldez Mexico talking to Mr. de Souza, in the black evening gown


Part Three Speaking Out Functional Expressions In describing, you might need some of these words: General personal impression: Likeable, aggressive, attractive, cheerful, he or she reminds me of..., looks like... Age: thirties, in his or her early/mid-/ late thirties, middle aged, in his or her teens... Height, weight, build or figure: tall and slim, athletic, well - built, overweight… Face, hair, eyes, complexion: oval face, curly hair, wavy hair; bushy eyebrows, Roman nose... Clothes: well - dressed, casual dresser, baggy trousers, a loose jumper, cardigan, jeans, blouse, T-shirt, sports jacket. Character: sensitive,

bad-tempered, generous, narrow-minded, excitable, level-headed... Interests, sports and hobbies: he’s keen on sailing, she spends a lot of time knitting, sewing... Their life so far: achievements, family background, well-qualified, an only child, eldest daughter, single... Section A Suggested accepting responses: W: Officer! Officer! O: Yes, ma’am. W: Somebody just took my purse! My money, my credit cards—everything’s gone! O: All right. Just calm down a minute. OK. Now, what did the person look like? W: He was kind of tall and thin. O: About how tall was he? W: Around five foot ten. O: Five foot ten. And how much did he weigh? W: I’m not sure. Maybe around 140 pounds. O: And about how old was he? W: Oh, he was fairly young—in his mid-teens, I think... sixteen or seventeen. O: And what color was his hair? W: Blond, and it was long and straight. O: Eyes? W: I don’t know. It all happened so fast. O: Yes, of course. What was he wearing? W: Jeans and a T-shirt. Oh, and a denim vest. O: Fine, and now tell me about your purse. What did it look like? W: Well, it was dark brown, and it had a shoulder strap. O: What was it made of?


W: Leather. O: OK, now I’ll need your name and address. Part Four Comprehensive Practice Section A Ms. Mendose: OK. That’s it. Now, we have to make a decision. We might as well do that now, don’t you think? Mr. Day: Sure. Let’s see. First we saw Frank Brzinski. What did you think of him? Ms. Mendose: Mmm. Frank. Well, he’s certainly a very polite young man. Mr. Day: Yes. And very relaxed, too. That’s important. Ms. Mendose: But his appearance! Mr. Day: Ummm. He wasn’t well dressed at all, was he? He wasn’t even wearing a tie! Ms. Mendose: But he did have a nice voice. He’d sound good on the

telephone. Mr. Day: True. And I thought he seemed very intelligent. He answered all our questions very well. Ms. Mendose: That’s true. But dressing well is important. Well, let’s think about the others. Now,

what about Barbara Jones? She had a nice voice, too. She’d sound good on the telephone, and she w


as well-dressed, too. What did you think of her? Mr. Day: Mmmm. She did look very neat. Very nicely dressed. But I... Ms. Mendose: But so shy! She wouldn’t be very good at talking to people at the front desk, would she? Ms. Day: No. That’s really my worry about her. But she seemed pretty smart I thought. Ms. Mendose: Yes, yes, she did seem intelligent. But so nervous. So uncomfortable. Mr. Day: Ummm. OK. Now, who was next? Ah, yes. David Wallace I thought he was very good, had a lot of potential. What about you? Ms. Mendose: Mmm. He seemed like a very bright guy, didn’t you think? He dressed very nicely, too, and he had a really nice appearance. Mr. Day: Ummm. And what about his personality? He seemed relaxed to me—the type of person people feel comfortable with right away. I guess I was pretty impressed by him. Ms. Mendose: Yes, I was too. He was very polite, but also very friendly and relaxed, as you say. I think he’d be very good with the guests at the front desk, don’t you? Mr. Day: Yes, I do. He had a very pleasant voice, too. Ms. Mendose: That’s right. Well, was there anyone else? Oh yeah. Lois Johnson. I really didn’t think very much of her. She was too quiet. She hardly said a word. Mr. Day: That’s right. And when she did speak, I could hardly hear a word she was saying, she spoke so quietly? Ms. Mendose: Yeah. She was polite enough, I suppose... But another thing. She wasn’t very well dressed for an interview. I’m not sure she would know how to dress forthe job. Mr. Day: I agree. And she didn’t seem to understand half of our questions, either. She certainly gave some very strange answers when she did answer! Ms. Mendose: Ummm. OK. Good. I guess we have our receptionist, then, don’t you? Mr. Day: Yes, I think so. We’ll just offer the job to...

Answers to the Questions:

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