

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-28 來(lái)源: 短文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:



TOEFL listening lecture1


Listen to part of a lecture in biologyclass.



near the hive, say, oh, about 50 or 60 meters away, the scout flies in a round pattern, like a

circle. This tells the location, but not the direction, of the food site. If the site is farther away,

the scout does what's called a waggle dance. It flies in a pattern of ovals and vertical lines.

The speed of the waggle dance tells other bees how far away the food site is. The slower the

dance, the farther away the food. If the scout flies in a vertical line up the side of the beehive,

it's telling the foragers to fly directly toward the sun. If the scout flies vertically down the hive,

it's saying, "fly away from the sun." Up is toward, down is away. If the scout flies at an angle

to the hive, it's telling the foragers to fly neither toward nor away from the sun, but in

between. The bees have a special internal mechanism to know which angle they should fly,

based on the sun, the hive and the food site. They can also measure the distance they fly by

recording the motion of things they see as they flypast.

Now, u


m, one problem with von Frisch's theory had been this: It seems to take the forager bees a long time to reach the food site. That's why ... [false start] That's why scientists thought that perhaps it wasn't the waggle dance that led them there. For many years, scientists couldn't follow the foragers after they left the hive,. because they didn't have the technology. Just a few years ago, though,

TOEFL? based listening exercises (lectures) – Answerkeys

the British scientists solved this problem using a new type of radar. They were able to attach a, uh, small radio transmitter to forager bees -- I don't know how, but they did. This enabled them to follow the forager bees' flight after they left the hive. The radar showed that foragers, do, in fact, fly straight to the area of the food site. They don't follow the scout bee back to the site, because the scout goes into the hive after it finishes dancing. Well then, if the waggle dance does lead the foragers directly tothe

food site, why does it take so long for them to find the actual food? The answer is that the waggle dance leads the

foragers only to the general area of the food. It doesn't tell them the exact location of the flowers or plants that have the food. So the foragers have to spend a while flying around the area before they find the exact location of what they're looking for.


These answer keys refer to the audio fileTOEFL_1_lecture.mp3

1. Which aspect of bee behavior does the professor mainlydiscuss?

(A) Reproduction

(B) Hibernation

(C) Organization

(D) Communication

2. Why does the professor mentioadar?


(B) (C)


(A) (B)




(A) toward thewest

(B) between sun andmoon

(C) toward thesun

(D) away from thesun

Narrator: Listen again to part of the passage and answer the following question(s).

(audio fileTOEFL_1_lecture_excerpt1.mp3)

Prof: Just a few years ago, though, the British scientists solved this problem using a new

type of radar. They were able to attach a, uh, small radio transmitter to forager bees -- I don't

know how, but theydid.

5. What does the professor imply when he says this: I don't know how, but theydid.

Photocopiable 2

(A) The scientists should have been morecareful.

(B) It is difficult to put transmitters onbees.

(C) It is not a good idea to use radar withbees.

TOEFL? based listening exercises (lectures) – Answerkeys

(D) He does not know how transmitterswork.


6. What can be inferred about how forager bees findfood?

(A) They rely solely on the information from the waggledance.

(B) They rely completely upon their senses of sight andsmell.

(C) They use the waggle dance to reach the area of thefood.

(D) They use their senses to find the exact location offood.


TOEFL? based listening exercises (lectures) – Answerkeys TOEFL listening lecture2


Listen to part of a lecture in social scienceclass.

Prof: Today we're going to begin with a short quiz. No, no, you don't need pencil and paper, just listen. It's only one question. Ready? OK. What do blogs, Pokemon, tattoos, Cabbage Patch Kids, pet rocks, and hula hoops have in common?Anybody?

S1: They're all stupid.[laughter]

S2: I know, Professor Morgan. They're allfads.

Prof: trend, forexample.

become atrend.

Ahem [clears throat or coughs] Here's a third difference between fads and trends: how well industries accept them. Fads are often promoted by smaller companies. They need the quick money that fads provide. Large companies don't accept fads right away. They can't afford to be wrong. If someone [false start] If a company is known as a trend-setter, and it promotes a fad, its reputation will be damaged. Large companies buy products in huge numbers. They don't want unsold products sitting on their shelves. So they wait to see if a fad becomes a trend. Then they will accept it in their stores. Now...yes?

S2: How long does a fad have to last before it becomes a trend? I mean, there are all these energy drinks now. There used to be only a couple, but now there's like, a hundred. Are they still a fad? Exercise is a trend, so wouldn't energy drinks be part of the exercisetrend?

Prof: That's an excellent question! When exactly does a fad become a trend? Youknow,

Photocopiable 4




1 What kind satellites does INMARSAT use ?

A Geo-stationary satellites B polar orbit satellites

C Synchronizing satellites D All of above

2 Where are INMARSAT satellites located?

A Atlantic Ocean B Pacific Ocean

C Indian Ocean D All of above

3 Which areas do INMARSAT satellites cover

A The whole world B The globe as far north and south as 75 degrees

C Polar regions D The ocean regions

1 How many persons were seriously injured ?

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

2 What happened to Noble prince ?

A Collided with other vessel

B Struck a submerged object

C Struck a floating mine

D Collided with a fishing boat

3 On what frequency is she keeping continuous watch ?

A 156.8 MHzB 2187 KHzC 2182KHzD 156 MHz

1 What will vessel Utopia do ?

A Speed upB Reduce speed C Navigate as usual D Anchor

2 What is the advised speed ?

A 16 knotsB 7 knots C 1.6 knots D 6 knots

3 Which direction did another ship come ?

A same course B cross ahead C opposite courseD cross aft

4 What course was Utopia advised to alter to ?

A 300 degrees B 320 degreesC 230 degrees D 135 degrees

1 What is this passage about ?

A Weather repot B Storm warning

C Navigational informationD Gale warning

2 What is the visibility at No.1 buoy at present ?

A 1000metresB 1500 metres C 2000 metresD 2500 metres

3 When will the visibility be reduced to 1000 metres ?

A In four hours B In two hoursC In three hoursD In one hour

1 What is your destination ?

A Pilot Station B Avonpot C NewharbourD Euphoria

2 What is your ETA at pilot ?

A 2000 hours local time B 2200 hours GMT

C 2200 hours local time D 2000 hours GMT

3 What about your draft fore and aft ?

A 7.5 metres forward,6.2 metres aft

B 5.6 metres forward,7.0 metres aft

C 6.2 metres forward,7.5 metres aft

D 6.5 metres forward,7.2 metres aft

1 What is leaking from fractured pipeline ?

A gesB petroleumC water D wine

2 What is the colour of buoy ?

A black B purpleC whiteD yellow

3 What’s the position of buoy established /

A 165 degrees,1 cable from Blight Bank

B 156 degrees, 1 cable from end refinery quay

C 189 degrees,3 cable from White Sand

D 178 degrees,4 cable from Yellow Sea

1 From which direction is helicopter approaching to Minghua ?

A Port abeamB Port quarterC Port midshipsD Port bow

2 What wind direction is Minghua asked to keep ?

A 40 degrees on starboard bow B 30 degrees on port bow

C 40 degrees on port bowD 30 degrees on starboard bow

3 What has been shown in indicated point ?

A code (H) B deck light C red flare D yellow smoke

1 According to the weather forecast, how is the wind force expected to change?

A.The wind is expected to increase from force 9 to force 10

B The wind is expected to decrease from force 9 to force 8

C The wind is expected to decrease from force 8 to force 7

D The wind is expected to increase from force 10 to force11

2 According to the weather forecast, how is the wind direction expected to change

A The northeasterly gales are expected to back to the north

B The sourtheasterly gales are expected to veer to the south

C The southeasterly gales are expected to back to the north

D The northeasterly gales are expected to back to the south

3 In what areas is broken ice expected to form ?

A sea areas BearB sea areas Skua

C sea areas Bear Sea-lion D sea areas Bear and Skua

4 What kind of report is it about ?

A situation report B weather forecast C navigational warning D none of all 5 Warning of north easterly gales,backing _____ and freshening was issued at 2300 hours

A northerlyB southerly C north westerly D none of all

6 _____ is expected in sea areas Bear and Skua by dawn ?

A Thicker iceB Broken iceC Moderate ice D BOTHAANDB 7 Temperayures in the area are expected to drop sharply to____

A minus 5 degrees Centigrade B 5 degrees Centigrade

C minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit D minus 15 degrees Centigrade

1 What kind of message did Portugal West Coast Radio send ?

A Distress messageB Urgent message

C Safety message D Routine message

2 The Morse Code period is _____

A 40 secondsB 13 seconds C 30 seconds D 15 seconds

3 What is “Pioneer 1” ?

A Helicopter’s nameB Drilling rig’s name

C Ship’s name D Radio station’s name

1 What is The position of the vessel in distress ?

A 179 degrees true course 3 miles off Stone Point

B 179 degrees true bearing 3 miles off Stone Point

C 179 degrees relative bearint 4 miles off Stone Point

D 179 degrees true course 4 miles off Stone Point

2 What is wrong with “Noble Prince” ?

A Sinking and engine damaged B 3 crew members were seriously injured

C Both A and B D nothing

3 What kind of radio telephone was this vessel using ?

A S.S.B B V.H.F C M. H.F radio telephone D H.F


1 What is this message about?

A Distress calling B Situation report

C Traffic report D Weather report

2 What is the unknown vessel’s position ?

A 280 degrees 3 miles form Gannet Head Lighthouse

B 282 degrees 4 miles form Gannet Head Lighthouse

C 280 degrees 4 miles form Gannet Head Lighthouse

D 282 degrees 3 miles form Gannet Head Lighthouse

3 What is the visibility at Dophin Bank light buoy?

A 2 miles B 5 miles C 3 miles D 6miles

4 What is part three about ?

A Traffic reportB Weather report

C Navigational aids reportD Distress calling


1 What’s wrong with the vessel ?

A taking in water fast B M/E damaged

C Steering gear broken D Have a collision

2 Where is the natural gas pipeline ?

A 7.2 miles,north B 5.5 miles,south

C 5.5 miles,north D 7.2 miles,south

3 How many ships have the port sent to ?

A oneB twoC three D a lot of


1 What is the position of the vessel in distress ?

A 105 degrees 37 miles from Greenline B 37 degrees 15 miles from Greenline

C 105 degrees 37 miles from RomeoD 103 degrees 27 miles from Greenline 2 What happened to Maritime ?

A She is fire.She needs immediate B She is sinking

C She is in collision with an unknown vesselD She is flooding

3 What is “INTERCO 1”

A between company B international compay

C international code of signal 1969 D none of above


1 Radio system came into use _____ago

A 80 B 90C 50 D 70

2 The first communication satellite was used to_____

A take the place of radio systemB save the distress vessel exclusively

C introduce a life-saving systemD improve land communication

3 Traditional and terrestrial techniques _______

A can help radio system to overcome its flaws

B are unable to perfect the existing system

C are out of date

D are useless to radio system

4 The first communication satellite was put into orbit in_____

A1952 B 1962 C1968 D 1972


1 What has Blu Sky collided with ?

A another motor vesselB wreck C NO.3 lightbuoy D Derelict 2 Where is the distress position ?

A 270 degrees true 2.5 miles from No.3 lightbuoy

B 090 degrees true 2.5 miles from No.3 lightbuoy

C 3 miles east of No.2 lightbuoy

D 2 miles east of No.3 lightbuoy

3 What is the present condition of the distressed vessel?

A on even keelB Upright C list to port D list to starboard

1 What is the state of the tide?

A unknownB falling C Rising D slack

2 Why will Fantasia be aground if she stays where she is ?

A There is no sufficient depth of wate

B She is of deep draft

C There is a shoal ahead

D She is proceeding with wrong course

3 How long will it be before low water?

A 2 hours B 2.5 hoursC 3hoursD 3.5 hours

4 Where is Fantasia advised to go ?

A pilot stationB entrance buoyC Anchorage D harbour


1 Why is it dangerous for Red Star to approach Gargantua?

A Because Gargantua is on fireB Because Gargantua is sinking

C Because Gargantua is aground D Because Gargantua is out of control 2 Where is Gargantua aground?

A I mile upstream from Fishhaven

B 210 degrees,4miles from Fishhaven,No.2 buoy

C North of the fairway

D 120 degrees,6 miles from Fishhaven,No.2 buoy

3 What is Red Star advise to do ?

A Anchor at No.2 buoy

B Anchor north of the fairway

C Anchor in position 210 degrees,4miles from Fishhaven

D Anchor sourth of the fairway


1 Who is inward in position Northend pier?

A Vessel ZoologistB Vessel UtopiaC Vessel Nonsuch D Newharbour 2 Where is vessel Zoologist proceeding /

A InwardB OutwardC To Utoupia D To the fairway

3 What is the advise given by Newharbour?

A To keep present course on 098 degrees B Do not overtake

B Both A and B D to stay where she is


1 What is the type of this message ?

A distressB urgentC safetyD routine

2 What is Mardep?

A the name of a buoy B Hong Kong Maritime Department

C Maritime DepartmentD the name of a ship

3 What happened to TBSC Buoy at Lima channel?

A capsizedB unlit C missingD broken


1 What is the type of this message ?

A distress message B urgent message C safety message D routine

2 What happened to the fishing vessel ?

A In fishing B In collision C On returningD flooding

3 At what speed is Red Star returning ?

A increased speedB reduced speedC present speed D dangerous speed 二十


一、 根據(jù)你在錄音中聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容判斷句子的對(duì)錯(cuò),相符的在相應(yīng)題號(hào)下的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(10分)

Hello! I’m Jim. I’m an English boy. I’m 11 years old. I often get

up at 6:00 am. Then I go to school. I have lunch at 12:00a.m. In the afternoon, I play sports for two hours. I go back home at 5:00.p.m. On the weekend, I usually play chess with my friends. I like fall best. Because my birthday is in fall. It’s Sept. 2nd. I usually go hiking with my parents on that day.

( √√××√)

( ) 1. Jim is from England.

( ) 2. Jim is a student.

( )3.Jim plays sports on the weekend.

( ) 4. spring is Jim’s favourite season.

( )5. Jim usually goes hiking on Sept.2nd.

二、聽(tīng)短文,判斷下列句子與所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表 5分

May and Tom are classmates. They are eleven. They’re in Class Two, Grade Five. May likes collecting flower stamps and keeping goldfish. But Tom likes making model ships and collecting stamps.

Lily is May’s good friend. They’re not in the same class. Lily is in Class Three, Grade Five. But they go home together. Lily likes growing flowers..

All of them like listening to music.

()1. May, Tom and Lily are in the same grade.

()2. Lily and Tom are good friends.

()3. They all go home together.

()4. Tom and May both like collecting stamps.

()5. They all like listening to music and growing flowers.

三、聽(tīng)錄音,完成表格打“√” (聽(tīng)兩遍)6%

I’m Smith White. I’m an English teacher. I’m from the UK. I speak English and French. I like climbing. This is my student, Martin. He’s from the USA. He speaks English and Chinese. He likes collecting stamps. He has a good friend. Her name is Li Qi. She’s a Chinese girl. She speaks Chinese and English. She likes catching insects.

Passage 16

閱讀短文,選出正確的答案,把序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。 (A B A B B)

My name is Tom. I am a policeman. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. Then I go to work at 9:00. I work at night. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00.Then I go to bed at 6:20.I often get up at 12:00 at noon. I eat lunch at 2:30.I play sports at about 3;00 in the afternoon. I watch TV at 6:30.This is my day. I enjoy my work. What about you?

()1、What is Tom’s job?A. He is a policeman. B. He is a


()2、When does Tom go to work?A. At 9:00a.m. B. At 9:00p.m.

()3、Does Tom work at night?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t

()4、When does Tom play sports? A. At 3:00 in the morning. B. At 3:00 in the afternoon.

()5、What is the Chinese meaning of “enjoy”?A. 厭惡. B. 喜歡.

Passage 13

閱讀,根據(jù)短文判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。 (T T T F T)

I am Lucy. I come from USA. I have a happy family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandpa, grandma, father, mother, my sister and me. I am 11 years old now. My birthday is on Children’s Day. On that day, I can eat birthday cakes. I can go to the Children’s Center, too. I am very happy on my birthday. I like winter best. It often snows in America in winter. I can skate and make a snowman.

() 1. There are 6 people in my family.

() 2. My birthday is June 1st.

() 3. I am happy on Children’s Day.

() 4. I don’t like winter.

() 5. It often snows in America in summer.

Passage 7

閱讀短文,選出正確的答案,把序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。(C A C B B)

My name is Amy. I’m from America. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go

hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. It’s windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. I’m watching

TV. Do you want to be my friend? My QQ number is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.

( B. in spring C. on the weekend

( ) 2. What is Amy’s favorite season? A. Spring B. Winter C. Spring and winter

( A. her birthday is in DecemberB. she can play with snow C. A and


( ) 4. Is Amy’s brother going shopping? A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.

( ) 5.What is Amy’s telephone number?

A. 408981124 B. 6678115 C. 408981124 and 6678115

11. There are four people in my family .They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a worker. He works in a factory .My mother is a

teacher. She teaches in a middle school. Her students love her very much. I’m a schoolgirl .I like singing very much .I’m wearing a red dress .we are very happy.(C B B A C)

() 1.How many people are there in her family?

A. threeB. fiveC. four

() 2.What does her mother do?

A. a worker B. a teacher C. a doctor

() 3.The girl likes very much.

A. EnglishB. singingC. students

() 4.The girl is wearing aA. redB. green C. yellow

() 5. Are they happy?

A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, you are. C. Yes, they are.

12. I have a good friend. Her name is Linda. She is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She and I are not in the same class, She is in class one and I in the class two. We all like our class. We like our friends ,too. 判斷題 判斷“T” “F" (T F T)

1. Linda is a beautiful girl.

2. We are in the same class.

3. We like our school and friends.

Passage 10

閱讀短文,選出正確的答案,把序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。(B B A B A)

I am Dick. I’m a policeman. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. Then I go to

work at 9:00 in the evening. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00. Then I go to bed. I usually get up at 12:00 noon. I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon. I am a good policeman. That’s my day.

( ) 1. I am a __________. A. cleaner B. policeman

( ) 2. I usually go to work at __________. A. 7:00B. 9:00

( ) 3. I go home at _________. A. 5:00 B. 6:00.

( ) 4. Does Dick usually play football in the evening? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 5.Is Dick a good policeman? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t.

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