

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-15 來源: 短文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:


春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the "Lunar New Year" by English speakers. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as chú xī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most.

Celebrated in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had influence on the new year celebrations of its geographic neighbors, as well as cultures with whom the Chinese have had extensive interaction. These include Koreans (Seollal), Tibetans and Bhutanese (Losar), Mongolians (Tsagaan Sar), Vietnamese (T?t), and formerly the Japanese before 1873 (Oshogatsu). Outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, Chinese New Year is also celebrated in countries with significant Han Chinese populations, such as Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States, although Chinese New Year is not an official holiday, many ethnic Chinese hold large celebrations and Australia Post, Canada Post, and the US Postal Service issues New Year's themed stamps.

Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also the tradition that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of “happiness”, “wealth”, and “l(fā)ongevity”. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. Food will include such items as pigs, ducks, chicken and sweet delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Chinese New Year tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all grudges, and sincerely wish peace and happiness for everyone.

Although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of Huangdi. But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year 2009 "Chinese Year" 4707, 4706, or 4646.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:春節(jié)正月習(xí)俗的英文介紹

The Chinese New Year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known as "new-year visits" (Chinese: 拜年; pinyin: bài nián). New clothes are usually worn to signify a new year. The colour red is liberally used in all decorations. Red packets are given to juniors and children by the married and elders. See Symbolism below for more explanation.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Preceding days 春節(jié)前

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On the days before the New Year celebration Chinese families give their home a thorough cleaning. There is a Cantonese saying "Wash away the dirt on ninyabaat" (年廿八,洗邋遢), but the practice is not usually restricted on nin'ya'baat (年廿八, the 28th day of month 12). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that luck cannot be swept away. Some people give their homes, doors and window-frames a new coat of red paint. homes are often decorated with paper cutouts of Chinese auspicious phrases and couplets. Purchasing new clothing, shoes, and receiving a hair-cut also symbolize a fresh start.

In many households where Buddhism or Taoism is prevalent, home altars and statues are cleaned thoroughly, and altars that were adorned with decorations from the previous year are also taken down and burned a week before the new year starts, and replaced with new decorations. Taoists (and Buddhists to a lesser extent) will also "send gods" (送神), an example would be burning a paper effigy of Zao Jun the Kitchen God, the recorder of family functions. This is done so that the Kitchen God can report to the Jade Emperor of the family household's transgressions and good deeds. Families often offer sweet foods (such as candy) in order to "bribe" the deities into reporting good things about the family.

The biggest event of any Chinese New Year's Eve is the dinner every family will have. A dish consisting of fish will appear on the tables of Chinese families. It is for display for the New Year's Eve dinner. This meal is comparable to Christmas dinner in the West. In northern China, it is customary to make dumplings (jiaozi 餃子) after dinner and have it around midnight. Dumplings symbolize wealth because their shape is like a Chinese tael. By contrast, in the South, it is customary to make a new year cake (Niangao, 年糕) after dinner and send pieces of it as gifts to relatives and friends in the coming days of the new year. Niangao literally means increasingly prosperous year in year out. After the dinner, some families go to local temples, hours before the new year begins to pray for a prosperous new year by lighting the first incense of the year; however in modern practice, many households hold parties and even hold a countdown to the new lunar year. Beginning in the 1980s, the CCTV New Year's Gala was broadcast four hours before the start of the New Year.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:First day 初一

The first day is for the welcoming of the deities of the heavens and earth, officially beginning at midn(轉(zhuǎn) 載于:www.newchangjing.com 蒲公 英文摘:春節(jié)的英文短文)ight. Many people, especially Buddhists, abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed that this will ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Year's Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the day before. For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.

Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

Some families may invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Lunar New Year as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.

While fireworks and firecrackers are traditionally very popular, some regions have banned them due to concerns over fire hazards, which have resulted in increased number of fires around New Years and challenged municipal fire departments' work capacity. For this reason, various city governments (e.g., Hong Kong, and Beijing, for a number of years) issued bans over fireworks and firecrackers in certain premises of the city. As a substitute, large-scale fireworks have been launched by governments in cities like Hong Kong to offer citizens the experience.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Second day 初二

The second day of the Chinese New Year is for married daughters to visit their birth parents. Traditionally, daughters who have been married may not have the opportunity to visit their birth families frequently.

On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

Business people of the Cantonese dialect group will hold a 'Hoi Nin' prayer to start their business on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. The prayer is done to pray that they will be blessed with good luck and prosperity in their business for the year.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Third and fourth days 初三

The third and fourth day of the Chinese New Year are generally accepted as inappropriate days to visit relatives and friends due to the following schools of thought. People may subscribe to one or both thoughts.

1) It is known as "chì kǒu" (赤口), meaning that it is easy to get into arguments. It is suggested that the cause could be the fried food and visiting during the first two days of the New Year celebration.[citation needed]

2) Families who had an immediate kin deceased in the past 3 years will not go house-visiting as a form of respect to the dead, but people may visit them on this day. Some people then conclude that it is inauspicious to do any house visiting at all. The third day of the New Year is allocated to grave-visiting instead.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Fifth day 初五

In northern China, people eat jiǎo zi (simplified Chinese: 餃子; traditional Chinese: 餃子), or dumplings on the morning of Po Wu (破五). This is also the birthday of the Chinese god of wealth. In Taiwan, businesses traditionally re-open on this day, accompanied by firecrackers.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Seventh day 初七

The seventh day, traditionally known as rei 人日, the common man's birthday, the day when everyone grows one year older. It is the day when tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten. This is a custom primarily among the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore. People get together to toss the colourful salad and make wishes for continued wealth and prosperity.

For many Chinese Buddhists, this is another day to avoid meat, the seventh day commemorating the birth of Sakra Devanam Indra.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Eighth day 初八

Another family dinner to celebrate the eve of the birth of the Jade Emperor. However, everybody should be back to work by the 8th day. All of government agencies and business will stop celebrating by the eighth day.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Ninth day 初九

The ninth day of the New Year is a day for Chinese to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven (天宮) in the Taoist Pantheon. The ninth day is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor. This day is especially important to Hokkiens. Come midnight of the eighth day of the new year, Hokkiens will offer thanks giving prayers to the Emperor of Heaven. Offerings will include sugarcane as it was the sugarcane that had protected the Hokkiens from certain extermination generations ago. Incense, tea, fruit, vegetarian food or roast pig, and paper gold is served as a customary protocol for paying respect to an honored person.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Tenth day 初十

The other day when the Jade Emperor's birthday is celebrated.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Thirteenth day 正月十三

On the 13th day people will eat pure vegetarian food to clean out their stomach due to consuming too much food over the last two weeks.

This day is dedicated to the General Guan Yu, also known as the Chinese God of War. Guan Yu was born in the Han dynasty and is considered the greatest general in Chinese history. He represents loyalty, strength, truth, and justice. According to history, he was tricked by the enemy and was beheaded.

Almost every organization and business in China will pray to Guan Yu on this day. Before his life ended, Guan Yu had won over one hundred battles and that is a goal that all businesses in China want to accomplish. In a way, people look at him as the God of Wealth or the God of Success.

春節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文- 用英語介紹春節(jié)習(xí)俗:Fifteenth day 正月十五

The fifteenth day of the new year is celebrated as yuán xiāo jié (元宵節(jié)), otherwise known as Chap Goh Mei in Fujian dialect. Rice dumplings tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 湯圓; traditional Chinese: 湯圓; pinyin: tāngyuán), a sweet glutinous rice ball brewed in a soup, is eaten this day. Candles are lit outside houses as a way to guide wayward spirits home. This day is celebrated as the Lantern Festival, and families walk the street carrying lighted lanterns.

This day often marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities.




關(guān)于春節(jié)的英語作文,有關(guān)春節(jié)的英語作文怎么寫?必克英語給童鞋們推薦一篇春節(jié)英語作文范文,希望對(duì)大家英語寫作有所幫助! 最后祝大家在新的一年中 好好學(xué)習(xí) 天天向上!


Spring Festival Composition

Laoqilai dumplings put into the Siwan, in each bowl also take some soup. My mother just can contribute to the promotion soup, I have robbed with relish to eat a bowl of Excitement! As eat too fast, and the tongue are felt.

We all want to eat a mouthful of oil, then happy to see the brilliant television.

Ah, is a happy Spring Festival ah!

Review: If left to eat the Spring Festival, it may become incomplete Spring Festival. In this paper, "do eat, eat music," as the focus. It can be said, "eat" is a text of this article the word eyes.

More meaningful, in the Office of the eating process, realize the "study what should be assiduously yourselves." This is also in discussions with concise text of a finishing touch in the role of good.

11, foreign friends, hoping to go to China over the Spring Festival?

The first two (2) classes are Xiang Xin

Foreign children, a few days, the Chinese people is our biggest festival said - the Spring Festival. Do you want us Chinese, the Spring Festival to enjoy the excitement and happy? First of all, I presented to you on January 1 under, we will be in the Spring Festival period generally do.

Before the New Year, we will take some money to their parents and friends to give us the street, bought some of the things they want to buy, but also to the streets and their parents to buy new clothes. At home they do not have to do anything, as much as playing partners and a Huntianheide.

New Year's day, we will paste the couplet, and pasted door god, and then, and grandparents, uncles and aunts who together Qidu reunion meal. Happy to eat the meal is a stress, as we here, generally speaking, there are two three sons, on the eve of his son's day to eat at home turn. My grandfather had three sons, and the general Xiaoshu home in the morning I eat in my home to eat at noon. I Uncle home in the

evening to eat. Before the dinner, we will discharge of a long list of the deafening sound of firecrackers, and then started to eat.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone's faces are covered with smiles.

Chinese New Year's, we began to walk home in the West Series owner, Betty. New Year's can also攢point for our New Year's money. The morning, Mom and Dad will also bring snacks such as Apple installed by the hospitality. We went to each child to the New Year. First, the grandparents, Betty, and said to them that some auspicious words. For example, I wish the grandparents in the new year good health and every success. Then, grandparents would say Zhenguai, began with the New Year's money.由大到小, then home to the Baba uncle, Betty. Not only can攢New Year's money, you can do while playing Bianchi snacks.

To the first two days of the first month, we begin Zouqinfangyou. The first is to Waipojia New Year. Then call on January 1. Such activities generally Zouqinfangyou the New Year to continue until the 15th day of the first month, which is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, it is the end of the first month.

Foreign children, after listening to so many, do you Movable? If you want a Chinese Spring Festival, it quickly Action! You will be our most warm welcome and hospitality, you will be in very pleasant to do!

Foreign friends, come! We always waiting!








11、外國的朋友,想來中國過春節(jié)嗎 ?

初二(2)班 辛正香










英語口語培訓(xùn) /



The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.


Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival?

Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.

This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture (合資企業(yè))workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(帶有異國情調(diào)的) festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.

I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.


My plan of next year

A new year ,a new start,when I stand on the edge of a new year,I can't help thinking about my plan of next year.

Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I'm quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.

But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned,and the result will prove it.


New Year Party

On New Year's Eve,our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding(響亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then,the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all

born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted(機(jī)智的). He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." The hall After that,they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of chickens."


The Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.












例:春聯(lián)代表著歡樂祥和。在我們中國,每逢春節(jié),無論城市還是農(nóng)村,家家戶戶都要精選一副大紅春聯(lián)貼在門上,為節(jié)日增加喜慶的氣氛。一幅幅春聯(lián)不僅帶來了吉祥和祝福,還帶來了中國古老的濃濃的文化氣息。瞧!“大地春光好,長天曉日紅”、“歲歲皆如意,年年盡平安”、“江山萬里如畫,神州四時(shí)皆春”、“春風(fēng)送春處處***美,喜鵲報(bào)喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春聯(lián)讓千家萬戶喜氣盈門。春聯(lián)的種類比較多。按照使用場(chǎng)所,可分為門心、框?qū)ΑM批、春條、斗方等。因此,貼的位置也不同,如“門心”貼在門板上端中心部位;“橫批”貼在門楣的橫木上。







“李伯伯,新年快樂”“王阿姨,工作順了”“劉奶奶,身體健康”〃〃〃跟所有的長輩們拜過年之后,媽媽提議說:一會(huì),去街上看看,感受下新年的氣氛。 一上街,街上可就更熱鬧了。人們手里有提著大袋大袋的菜,身邊的孩子手上握著一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑著?矗∥易筮叺囊晃凰、五歲左右的小女孩,跑到前面去。一下子又轉(zhuǎn)過頭對(duì)一位滿手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊著:“爸爸,快點(diǎn)!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿著那邊超市發(fā)的小氣球的,紅的,黃的,綠的,還有藍(lán)的。也有三五成群,手挽著手說說笑笑的姑娘們,小伙子們,忙綠了一年,辛苦了一年,我想這個(gè)時(shí)候應(yīng)該是大家最放松,最高興的時(shí)候。你看,路


一進(jìn)菜市場(chǎng),那才更熱鬧呢!人流竄動(dòng),一眼望去,什么也看不見,全是人。還有那翠綠的黃瓜,可真新鮮哪,你看,那金黃色的小花在太陽的照射下顯得多么的生機(jī)勃勃啊。那鯽魚,鰱魚,青魚,草魚等等在水里游來游去,真是印證了我們中國的老話:年年有魚(余)!黃的韭菜,紅的番茄,黑的木耳,白的蘿卜〃〃〃真是要什么有什么呀。“哎喲!可真夠擠的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟著媽媽買了幾個(gè)我愛吃的菜,結(jié)完帳就走出了菜場(chǎng)。超市里的收銀臺(tái)前也早已排起了長龍。 傍晚時(shí)分,街上,又漸漸安靜下來。店主們把店子關(guān)了,超市也比往常早了些許關(guān)門。大家都提著東西回家過年去了。




“當(dāng)、當(dāng)、當(dāng)”新年的鐘聲敲響了,家家戶戶的門上早已貼上了或火紅或金黃的對(duì)聯(lián),每一家的老老少少都樂得合不攏嘴。興奮的孩子們有的目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地盯著電視,品嘗著一年一度的晚會(huì)大餐――春節(jié)晚會(huì);有的急著給自己的長輩拜年,發(fā)短信,打電話,所有新年的祝福話語仿佛怎么也說不完;調(diào)皮的孩子正在向自己的父輩們 “討要”壓歲錢;屋外的鞭炮聲此起彼伏,炸開了鍋,五彩的煙花更是把這個(gè)特殊的夜晚點(diǎn)綴得絢麗多姿。






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