

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-26 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:



Exercise 1

Complaining about faulty goods or bad services is never easy. But if something you have brought is faulty or does not do what was (1) ____________ for it, you are not asking for a(2)___________to get it put right.

Complaints should be made to a (3) ___________ person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any (4) ____________ you may have. In a small store the (5) ____________may also be the owner so you can complain directly .In a chain store, ask the manager. If you telephone, ask the name of the person who (6) ____________ your enquiry, (7) ___________ you may never find out who dealt with the complaint later. If you do not want to do it in (8) _____________, write a letter. Stick to the facts and keep a(9)_____________of what you write. At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but you should not need to give receipt or other papers to (10) ___________ you bought the article


It is impossible to say that any one man invented the automobile. Many individuals living and working in different countries and at different times (1) ____________to its development. Many of the (2) ____________ that went into the creation of the automobile were small in themselves. But (3) ____________they were important. Here are two examples

―Carriage is running at a speed of 8 to 9 miles an hour‖ It was almost (4 ) ____________ of in those days. According to automobile historians, this was the first (5) ____________ use of mechanical power to move a (6) ____________. After its first run, the machine reportedly burned up while the inventor and his friends were celebrating its (7) ________________ at a pub.

Hey Ford is (8) __________________ the father of modern automobiles mass production. His famous Model-T car, because of its low price, made it possible to produce cars on a large ___________ and his ____________ made it accessible to ordinary people.

Exercise 3

Nowadays few of us read books after we leave school.

This is rather(1)___________, for one should know that books are no less necessary to one’s(2) __________ life than fresh air is to one’s(3)___________ life. From good reading we can(4)____________ companionship, experience and instruction. A good book is our faithful friend. It can increase our contentment when we are(5) ___________ and happy, and(6) __________ our pain when we are sad or lonely. Books can also offer us a wide (7)_________ of experience. Few of us can travel far from home or live long over 100, but all of us can live many lives through the pages of books. What’s(8) ___________, reading books can increase our intellectual ability,(9) ____________ our minds and make us wise.

With the coming of TV, books are no longer read as widely as they once were. However, nothing can(10) __________ the role that books play in our lives.

Exercise 4

Believe it or not, 43,000,000 Americans are gardening. That is about one in six. Gardeners, of course, come in many

(1) ___________. Not (2) ____________, most of them are people who live in the(3) ____________, and enjoy planting flowers, or maybe a small vegetable garden.

The (4) ___________ age of gardeners in America is about 45 years old; they usually fall somewhere in the middle class. But the fastest growing groups are city (5)__________. Urban(6) ___________ are finding ways of gardening even in their (7)__________ areas. Many go to large(8) ____________ garden, as a place(9) __________ by the city for gardening, and you can actually ranch your own plot.

Still other people use their balconies or roof tops,(10) ___________ they can find the space to plant small patches of green.

Exercise 5

Water is very important to us. Factories and plants need water for(1) ___________ uses and large pieces of farmland need it for (2)___________. Without water to drink, people die in a short time.

Today most water sources are so dirty that people must(3) ____________ water before drinking. Water becomes dirty in many ways: industrial(4) ____________ is one of them. With the (5)______________ of industry, plants and factories pour tons of industrial wastes into rivers every day. The rivers have become(6) ___________ polluted, and the water is becoming(7) __________ for drinking or irrigation. The same thing has also happened to our seas and

(8)____________. So, the problem of water pollution is almost(9) _____________.

Scientists of many countries have done a lot of work to stop pollution. The polluted water in some places has become clean and (10)____________ again. Perhaps one day the people in all towns and cities will be drinking clean water. That day, we believe, is not very far-off.

Exercise 6

It is never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with(1) __________ and think how often you have(2) ___________ roughly, you said unkind things, and pushed yourself ahead at the(3) ____________ of a friend. Then count the occasions when you (4)____________ clearly and truly that you were so sorry. A bit frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening because some deep

(5)____________ in us knows that when even a small wrong has been(6) ___________, some mysterious moral feeling is(7) __________; and it stays out (8)___________ until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed.

A heartfelt apology can not only(9) ____________ a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who (10)__________ an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, or just neglected, do something about it right now.

Exercise 7

Mr. and Mrs. Jones’ apartment was full of (1)__________, packages, furniture and boxes. Both of them were very busy when they heard the doorbell(2) ___________. Mrs. Jones went to open it and she saw a (3)___________ lady outside. The lady said she lived next door. Mrs. Jones invited her to come in and(4) ___________ because there was no place for her to sit. ―Oh, that’s OK.‖ said the lady. ―I just came to(5) __________ you to your new home. As you know, in some parts of this city, neighbors are not (6)____________ at all. There are some apartment houses where people don’t know any of their neighbors, not even the ones next door. But in this building, everyone is very friendly with everyone else. We are a big happy(7) ____________. I am(8) ___________ you will be very happy here. ‖ Mr. and Mrs. Jones said, ―But madam, we are not new(9) ___________ in this apartment. We’ve lived here for tow years. We are (10)____________ out tomorrow.‖

Exercise 8

The important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full (1)____________ on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first (2)___________, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they (3)______________ they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen; many girls stay at school after that age, and though women(4) _________ to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until (5)____________ before their first child is born. Very much more afterwards return to full-time or part-time work. Such changes have (6)_________ to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater (7)____________ of the duties and (8)___________ of family life and with both husband and wife sharing more(9) ____________ in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and(10) _____________ of each of them.

Exercise 9

With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families have begun to be able to (1)_____________ a car. Yet opinions of the development of a (2)_________ car vary from person to person.

It gives a much greater degree of comfort and(3) __________. The owner of a car is no longer forced to (4)__________ on public transport, and (5)____________ no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxis. However, others strongly(6) ____________ to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of (7)_____________ gases will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual(8) _____________ to the health of people.

(9)____________ private cars should be developed in Chicago is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be(10) ____________.

Exercise 10

How can you tell which direction? By day, look for the Sun. It is in the east in the morning and the west in the afternoon. At night,(1) ____________ the Big Dipper (北斗七星) to help you find the North Star. It would be better to bring a compass because its (2)_____________ always points north.

How do you know how far you have gone? You could (3)____________ every step. Each step is about two feet. You’d better (4)___________ a pedometer (計步器) which is a tool that counts steps. If you know where you started, which direction you are(5) _____________, and how far you have gone, you can use a good map to (6)___________ out (7)_____________ where you are.

Today there is a new way for travelers to figure out where they are. It is the GPS. It has 24 satellites that

(8)____________ the earth and(9) _____________ broadcast their positions. Someday you may carry a small receiver as you (10)_______________ and use GPS to find out if you are there yet!

Exercise 11

Swine flu is a respiratory (呼吸的) sickness caused by an influenza virus that mainly infects pigs. However, sometimes the virus can(1) ___________ humans. This is what has happened in Mexico in the last few weeks. The virus is believed to have sickness at least two thousand people there. Mexican health officials(2) ____________ at least one hundred fifty-two people have died from the swine flu. Many of those who died were young adults who were

(3)_________ before they became infected.

Mexico has (4) ___________ schools nationwide until at least May sixth. It has closed restaurants and churches. The government also cancelled large(5) ____________ for sports, concerts and (6)_____________ events. But many Mexicans have criticized the country’s health (7)__________. The disease has(8) __________ to at least seven countries and is suspected in others. The United States has more than forty-eight confirmed(9) ___________ in five states. But, no one has died from swine flu in this country. The United States declared a public health emergency to (10)___________ the use of federal money and the use of flu medicines in federal storage.

Exercise 12

Now, people in some countries start the meal with lettuce as part of a salad. Experts say lettuce is one of the easiest crops to grow in your garden. The best time to plant the(1) ___________ is during cool weather. Lettuce seeds are small, so do not(2) ___________ them too deep in the ground. If you plant some sees every week or two, you will have crops(3) __________ to eat one after another. Drop the seeds over the (4)______________ and cover them lightly with soil. If the soil is not already a little wet, give it some water. But do not (5)_________ the seeds.

(6)__________ leaf lettuces when the leaves are big enough to eat.(7) ___________ the leaves from the outside of the planting so the inside leaves will keep(8) ____________. Or, you can cut off the whole plant. Leave about two or three centimeters above the ground so the plant will re-grow. Cut off head lettuces at ground level.

Lettuce is best when served (9)__________, so make a salad and enjoy.(10) ____________ the unused part

in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. It will last at least a few days, sometimes longer.

Exercise 13

Colleges and universities in the United States define plagiarism(剽竊,抄襲) as representing another person’s work as your own. It is considered as a kind of(1) ___________. Professor at American colleges have tried many ways to stop student plagiarism. Some use(2) __________ detection services. They also may discuss plagiarism with their students at the start of every term. Some(3) ___________ their students to turn in early (4)__________ of term papers, research papers and essays they are writing. This makes it more difficult for students to buy papers from companies. A recent report(5) ____________ such businesses. Many can be found on the Internet. They sell newly written papers on many (6)___________. The(7) ____________ depends on the difficulty of the subject and how soon the paper is needed. The cost could be from twenty to forty dollars a page. Some students(8) ___________ that they order such papers as a way to(9) __________ their research. But many also say they do not have enough time to do the work themselves and are under great(10) ___________ to do well in school.

Exercise 14

For lots of people in Britain, the 31st of December, or New Year’s Eve as we call it, is the biggest party of the year. It’s a time to get(1) ___________ with friends or family and welcome the coming year.

New Year’s parties can take place at a number of different(2) __________. Some people hold a house party, others(3) __________ street parties,(4) __________ some just go to their local for a few drinks with their mates. Big cities, like London, have large and spectacular fireworks(5) __________.

There’s one thing that all New Year’s Eve parties have in (6)_________: the countdown to midnight. When the clock strikes twelve, people give a loud (7)__________, pop champagne corks and give each other a kiss.

They then (8)__________ arms and sing a song called Auld Lang’s Syne, by a Scottish poet called Robert Burns. The parties then continue into the early hours of the morning with lots of dancing and drinking. Other people might spend the day visiting(9) _________ or friends they haven’t managed to catch up with for a while. Whatever happens, New Year’s Day tends to be very(10) ____________.

Exercise 15

Officials say they believe a Washington meeting on climate change this week has somewhat improved chances for a new international treaty to (1)__________ global warming. Experts from 16(2) ____________ countries and the European Union took part in the discussions.

The officials say they’re not underestimating the difficulty of achieving an (3)_________ agreement. But they say the (4)_________ of the discussions in Washington was(5) _____________ and constructive, partly (6)__________ to President Obama’s (7)______________ to try to tackle the climate change problem. The meeting in turn is (8)_________ at generating an agreement for action in(9) ___________ of the opening of global negotiations in December. President Obama has(10) _________ steps to initially reduce U.S. greenhouse gases by about 15 percent from current level by 2020.

Exercise 16

American newspapers are reporting that some fear the slow death of their own industry. Newspapers in the United States(1) _________ most of their money from selling space for(2) _________. The rates they(3) ___________are tied to the number of readers. But the number of people who buy newspapers has been falling for years. And this (4)___________ business model has not worked very well on the Internet, especially not in a bad (5)___________. Industry profits are (6)__________, and many newspaper companies have large (7)__________ from buying other papers. Some papers have recently closed or (8)__________ bankruptcy or reduced their operations.

Newspapers are looking for new ways to reinvent themselves, new ways to earn money. That includes giving new

(9)_________ to an old idea--- charging for at least some of the material that most papers now publish (10)_________ for free.

Exercise 17

Now American newspapers are looking to(1) __________ themselves for an(2) __________ online world. Millions more people read papers like USA Today and the New York Times for free on the Web than pay for a (3)___________ version. Publishers who chose t hat business plan might(4) ___________ it now, but they might not have had other(5) __________. Another suggestion is for newspaper to become(6) ___________ organizations. That way they could (7)___________ tax-free donations.(8) __________ means changing as conditions change. Like any other business, newspapers have to(9) __________ their needs with the needs of their(10) ____________, the readers they need to keep.

Exercise 18

Many jobs must be done with two people. One person takes the(1) _________. The other helps. It is this (2)_________ that brings success. So it is with the human body. Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between (3)___________. When they work together, chemical(4) ___________ take place smoothly. Body systems are kept in(5) ________. Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call vitamins. The word ―vitamin‖(6) ___________ back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk in nineteen twelve. He was studying a substance in the hull that covers rice. This substance was believed to cure a (7)___________ called beriberi (腳氣病). Funk believed the substance (8)__________ to a group of chemicals known as amines (鹵氮化合物). He (9)__________ the Latin word ―vita‖, meaning life. So he called the substance a ―vitamine‖ – an amine (10)__________ for life.

Exercise 19

Which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy? Let us look at some important vitamins for these answers. Vitamin A helps(1) ___________ skin and other(2) __________ from becoming dry. It is also needed to make a light-sensitive substance in the eyes. People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in(3) __________. They may develop a(4) __________ that dries the eyes. This can result in infections and lead to(5) ___________. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other(6) _________ colored fruits and vegetables(7) __________ substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin

C is needed for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood(8) ___________. It also helps wounds(9) ________ quickly. The body stores a little vitamin C. So we must get it every day in foods such as fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage. Vitamin D increases levels of the element calcium in the blood. Calcium is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work(10) _________. It also is needed to build strong bones.

Exercise 20

Experts agree that everyone needs vitamins so that their bodies can operate normally. In (1)___________, a complete(2) __________ should provide all the vitamins a body needs in their natural form. In(3) _________, many foods and food products now have extra vitamins and minerals(4) ___________. Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat. So they take products with large (5)___________ of vitamins. They think these products, called vitamin supplements, will(6) __________ their health and protect against diseases. Many adults now take vitamin supplements every day, but experts have found little(7) _________ that most supplements do anything to protect or improve health. But they (8)__________ that some do help to prevent diseases. Experts say vitamin D supplements and calcium can protect the (9)__________ of older women. Experts also note that taking too much of some vitamins can be(10) __________. They said people should be sure to discuss what vitamin they take with their doctors.







⑴、喜鵲的雙肩和尾部是烏黑的。 ()




1、 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。






1、 根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容填空:

⑴、 當(dāng)缺乏食物的時候,駱駝就用自己的積蓄來_______________生命。 ⑵、駱駝的嗅覺很_______________,什么地方有水源,它都能找到。


⑴、駱駝生活在沙漠里。 ()





1、 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。




⑴、黃河全長有5464米。( )

⑵、黃河是世界上含沙量最多的河流. ()




ea / i: /

ea/ e / 特殊ee/ i: /

y/ ai /(輔音+y )

y/ i / (元音+輔音+y)

ow/ au /

ow / / oo/ u / ai /e?ay/e?

ou /a?/



A.lunchB.dayC.newD.trees E.river F.It’sG.air H.water I.toJ.fromK.for

Amy is my _________ classmate. She’s 10. She often has ________at school. She’s _______ USA. Her favourite ________ is Sunday. Because sometimes Amy and I can go __________ the nature park on Sunday. There are many _______ and a ________in it. The ________ is clean. The ________is fresh. We like the nature park. ______pretty.


A.friend B.teacher C.studentD.polite E.art F.delicious G.food H.doI.do kung fu J.fish K.often

Hello. My name’s Tony. I am a _______________. I have big eyes and short hair. I am ________________ and clever. I have music, computer and ________________on Mondays. Miss Wang is my computer________________. She’s funny. I often watch TV and ________________on the weekend. My favorite food is ________________. It’s ____________. What’s your favorite____________? I can cook. What can you ______________? Do you want a new _________________? Try me.


A.delicious B.teacher C.kind D.food E.watchF.speak G.weekend H.books I.healthyJ.young K.play

Ms Li is our new Chinese __________. She can __________ English, too. She’s __________. She’s strict but __________. Fish is her favourite ________. It’s __________ and __________. On the __________ ,

she often reads ________ or ___________ TV. I like her very much.

四、選擇詞填空,使短文的內(nèi)容完整,每詞只能用一次。A.in front ofB.besideC.Saturdays

D.areE.buildings F.houseG.trees H.flowers I.greenJ.parents

There ________ many tall ___________ in the city(城市). Some trees are ________ the road(道路). There is a park ________ my __________. I like to go the park with my _____________ on __________. The trees are ________. The __________ are very beautiful.

五、選擇適當(dāng)?shù)倪x項填空,將短文補充完整。A.can B.can’t C.cleverD. play the pipaE. wonderfulF.TuesdayG.kung fuH. partyI. songsJ.English K.do any kung fu

Hi! I’m Oliver. We’ll have an English _______ next __________. Zhang Peng __________sing English ________. Chen Jie can __________. John can do some ____________. It’s ___________. I can’t________, but I ________ play the pipa. I’m __________. I can speak ________ and Chinese. Haha!

六、選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空,將短文補充完整。A.strict B.motherC.have D.old E.musicF.headG.kind H.player I.fuunyJ.willK.name L.tall

Hello ! Chen Jie . a new PE teacher. He’s a good football . Mr Young is teacher. He’ . Mrs teacher . She’be our new Chinese teacher. She ‘’. Haha!

聽力練習(xí)。一、 Listen and choose.(聽問句,選擇正確的答語)

( )1. A. She is young and kind. B. She likes reading.

( )2. A. I often read books. B. I have English, maths and P.E.

( )3. A. I’d like some water. B. I like noodles.

( )4. A. Yes, you can.B. Yes, I can.

( ) 5. A. Yes, there are.B. No, there isn’t.

二、Listen and choose.(聽音,選擇你所聽到的單詞)

( )1. A. house B. mouseC. sound

( )2. A. MondayB. today C. rainy

( )3. A. goodB. food C. book

( )4. A. yellow B. windowC. tomorrow

( )5. A. meetB. feet C. Beef

三. .Listen and number(聽錄音,給下面的單詞標(biāo)上序號)

()party () windy()sunny ( ) many( ) baby

()family () any () sorry () candy ()happy


一、. List(轉(zhuǎn) 載 于:www.newchangjing.com 蒲 公英文 摘:聽短文填空)en and choose.(聽問句,選擇正確的答語)

1. What’s she like?

2. What do you have on Mondays?3. What would you like for lunch?

4. Can you do any kung fu?

5. Are there any fish in the river?

二、Listen and choose.(聽音,選擇你所聽到的單詞)

1. mouse 2. Monday 3. book4.tomorrow 5. meet

三. .Listen and number(聽錄音,給下面的單詞標(biāo)上序號)

1, windy 2, many 3, baby4, sunny5, party 7, sorry8, candy 9, family10.any

附:聽力材料 一、. Listen and choose.(聽問句,選擇正確的答語)

1. What’s she like?

2. What do you have on Mondays?3. What would you like for lunch?

4. Can you do any kung fu?

5. Are there any fish in the river?

二、Listen and choose.(聽音,選擇你所聽到的單詞)

1. mouse 2. Monday 3. book4.tomorrow 5. meet

三. .Listen and number(聽錄音,給下面的單詞標(biāo)上序號)

1, windy 2, many 3, baby4, sunny5, party 7, sorry8, candy 9, family10.any

附:聽力材料 一、. Listen and choose.(聽問句,選擇正確的答語)

1. What’s she like?

2. What do you have on Mondays?3. What would you like for lunch?

4. Can you do any kung fu?

5. Are there any fish in the river?

二、Listen and choose.(聽音,選擇你所聽到的單詞)

1. mouse 2. Monday 3. book4.tomorrow 5. meet

三. .Listen and number(聽錄音,給下面的單詞標(biāo)上序號)

1, windy 2, many 3, baby4, sunny5, party 7, sorry8, candy 9, family10.any 6, happy6, happy6, happy

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