

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-10 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:


Do you often use the Internet? When did you first use the Internet? About how many hours a day do you use the Internet? About how many hours a week do you use the Internet? Who uses the Internet the most in your family? What computer do you use to access the Internet? What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet? Have you ever bought something using the Internet? How can the internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this? How can the Internet be improved? How often do you use the internet? Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet? Do you have any ideas or ambitions to start an Internet company? Do you think the Internet favors men or women? Do men and women use the internet for different purposes? Do you use the Internet for fun or education? What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for education? What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for entertainment? What are the sites you most commonly access? What is the best thing about the Internet? What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve? Which company is your Internet provider? Why did you choose this company? Are you satisfied with their service? How much does it cost you? Is it expensive to access the Internet by mobile phone in your country? Is there too much sex on the Internet? Does your family have wireless Internet access in your home? Do you access the Internet from your mobile phone? What type of pages do you access with your phone? Do you have more many e-mail addresses? Why do you need more than one e-mail address? Have you ever chatted on the Internet? Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet? Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet? Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet? Do you think that the Internet safe for children? Why Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why? Can you believe all the information t

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:經(jīng)典三一口語話題-Internet 三一口語自選話題 三一口語5級話題

版權(quán)所有 蒲公英文摘 www.newchangjing.com