

發(fā)布時間:2020-08-06 來源: 調(diào)查報告 點擊:











  經(jīng)濟(jì)管理學(xué)院 院


 教 教授 授


  管理學(xué) 學(xué)



  1 、基本情況 中文姓名 吳先華 性 別 男 出生年月 1977 年 9 月 姓名(拼音)

 Wu Xianhua 英語水平 熟練 現(xiàn)職稱情況

  2014 年




  職稱 最高學(xué)歷情況

 2008 年 3 月獲得




  學(xué)位 海外教育背景 2009.8-2010.2 在美國 UNCP(University of North Carolina at Pembroke)訪學(xué)

 2、5 年來著作及科研論文成果(第一作者)

 序號 著作、論文題目 發(fā)表刊物名稱 發(fā)表時間 級 別 1 A Study of Allocative Efficiency of Air Pollutant Emission Rights Based on a Zero Sum Gains Data Envelopment Model: Taking PM2.5 as an Example Journal of Cleaner Production 2016 SCI 2 On the Amount of Counterpart Assistance to be Provided after Natural Disasters: From the Perspective of Indirect Economic Loss Assessment Environmental Hazards 2016 SSCI 3 Urban Flood Depth-economic Loss Curves and Their Amendment Based on Resilience: Evidence from Lizhong Town in Lixia River and Houbai Town in Jurong River of China Natural Hazards 2016 SCI 4 Assessment of Health and Economic Effects by PM2.5 Pollution in Beijing: A Combined Exposure-response and CGE Analysis Environmental Technology 2016 SCI 5 Impact of Political Dispute on International Trade Based on an International Trade Inoperability Input-Output Model Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 2015 SSCI 6 A Comprehensive Estimation of the Economic Effects of Meteorological Services Based on the Input-Output The Scientific World Journal 2014 SCI SSCI

 Method 7 基于改進(jìn) ITIM 模型的政治爭端事件對產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)系統(tǒng)的影響評估 中國管理科學(xué) 2016 CSSCI 8 基于廣義倍差法的臺風(fēng)災(zāi)害對勞動力市場的影響研究 中國軟科學(xué) 2016 CSSCI 9 考慮防災(zāi)減災(zāi)能力的洪澇災(zāi)害災(zāi)損率曲線構(gòu)建:以里下河地區(qū)的李中鎮(zhèn)為例 地理科學(xué)進(jìn)展 2016 CSSCI 10 基于 ZSG-DEA 模型的大氣污染物排放權(quán)分配效率研究 中國軟科學(xué) 2015 CSSCI 11 自然災(zāi)害阻礙了經(jīng)濟(jì)增長嗎?——來自中國和 OECD 國家的實證研究 江海學(xué)刊 2014 CSSCI 12 從中國制造到中國智造 中國工業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì) 2014 CSSCI 13 基于技術(shù)系數(shù)矩陣的災(zāi)害影響評估及政策啟示 科學(xué)學(xué)研究 2012 CSSCI 14 基于條件價值法的氣象服務(wù)效益評估研究 氣象 2012 北圖核心 15 基于商品貿(mào)易的中美間碳排放轉(zhuǎn)移測算及啟示 科學(xué)學(xué)研究 2011 CSSCI 16 基于面板數(shù)據(jù)的世界主要國家全要素生產(chǎn)率的計算 數(shù)學(xué)的實踐與認(rèn)識 2011 CSSCI 17 科技人員薪酬激勵狀況的實證調(diào)查與政策建議—以江蘇省徐州、揚州和常州三城市為例 科研管理 2011 CSSCI 18 氣象服務(wù)效益與災(zāi)害風(fēng)險評估 科學(xué)出版社 2015 權(quán)威 19 氣象服務(wù)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略研究 科學(xué)出版社 2014 權(quán)威 20 內(nèi)生型產(chǎn)業(yè)集群知識創(chuàng)新 科學(xué)出版社 2011 權(quán)威

 3 、5 年來來承擔(dān)并承擔(dān)科研項目(課題)情況

 序號 項目級別 科研項目(課題)名稱 起止年月 角色及完成情況 1 國家自然科學(xué)基金重大研究計劃培育項目 支持應(yīng)急決策的氣象災(zāi)害大數(shù)據(jù)融合的方法研究 2015 負(fù)責(zé)人,在研 2 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上基金項目 支持應(yīng)急聯(lián)動政策計劃的氣象災(zāi)害間接經(jīng)濟(jì)損失評估的方法研究 2013 負(fù)責(zé)人,在研 3 國家自然科學(xué)基金主任基金項目 基于間接經(jīng)濟(jì)損失評估的氣象災(zāi)害跨區(qū)域多行業(yè)應(yīng)急聯(lián)動的機(jī)制研究 2011-2013 主持,結(jié)題 4 國家自然科學(xué) 氣象災(zāi)害風(fēng)險分析國際會議 2014 負(fù)責(zé)人,結(jié)題

 基金國際(地區(qū))合作與交流項目 5 中共江蘇省委組織部、江蘇人力資源和社會保障廳、江蘇省財政廳“333”人才工程項目 農(nóng)業(yè)氣象災(zāi)害經(jīng)濟(jì)損失評估的方法及系統(tǒng)開發(fā) 2014 主持,結(jié)題 6 科技部軟科學(xué)計劃項目 氣象災(zāi)害跨區(qū)域多行業(yè)應(yīng)急聯(lián)動的政策研究 2011-2013 主持,結(jié)題 7 中國科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會重點調(diào)研課題


 2011-2013 主持,結(jié)題

 Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Information Form of Overseas students’ Tutors

 School: School of Economics and Management



  Subject: Management

 Area of Study: Management of Technological Innovation,

 Risk Analysis and Emergency Management

  1 .Preliminary Information Chinese Name Xianhua Wu Gender Male

 Date of Birth Sep, 7, 1977 Name

 (in Pinyin) Wu


 English Proficiency Good Current Titles Professor

  Obtained on


  (yy/mm) Highest Degree


  Obtained on



  Overseas Educational Experience Visiting scholar at University of North Carolina at Pembroke from August in 2009 to February in 2010.

  2.Academic Achievement in Recent Five-year (corresponding author )

 Num. Topics Published On Publication Date

 Class of the Publication 1 A Study of Allocative Efficiency of Air Pollutant Emission Rights Based on a Zero Sum Gains Data Envelopment Model: Taking PM2.5 as an Example Journal of Cleaner Production 2016 SCI 2 On the Amount of Counterpart Assistance to be Provided after Natural Disasters: From the Perspective of Indirect Economic Loss Assessment Environmental Hazards 2016 SSCI 3 Urban Flood Depth-economic Loss Curves and Their Amendment Based on Resilience: Evidence from Lizhong Town in Lixia River and Houbai Town in Jurong River of China Natural Hazards 2016 SCI 4 Assessment of Health and Economic Effects by PM2.5 Pollution in Beijing: A Combined Exposure-response and CGE Analysis Environmental Technology 2016 SCI 5 Impact of Political Dispute on International Trade Based on an International Trade Inoperability Input-Output Model Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 2015 SSCI 6 A Comprehensive Estimation of the Economic Effects of Meteorological Services Based on the Input-Output Method The Scientific World Journal 2014 SCI SSCI

 7 Impact of Political Dispute on Industrial Economic System Based on An International Trade Inoperability Input-Output Model Chinese Journal of Management Science 2016 CSSCI 8 Impacts of Typhoons on Local Labor Markets Based on GDD Method China Soft Science 2016 CSSCI 9 Flood Depth-damage Curves for Urban Properties Considering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Capabilities:Evidence from Lizhong Town, Lixiahe Region, China Progress in Geography 2016 CSSCI 10 Allocation of Air Pollutants Emission Rights Based on Zero-sum Gains Data Envelopment Analysis

 China Soft Science 2015 CSSCI 11 Do Natural Disasters Hinder Economic Growth? -Empirical Evidence from China and OECD Countries Jianghai Academic Journal 2014 CSSCI 12 “Made in China” Transfer to “Made with Intelligence in China” China Industrial Economics 2014 CSSCI 13 Policy Revelations and Impact Assessment of Disasters Based on Technical Coefficients Matrix Studies in Science of Science 2012 CSSCI 14 The Value Estimation of Meteorological Service in China Based on Contingent Valuation

 Meteorological Monthly 2012 Core Journal 15 Enlightenment and Calculation of Sino-US Carbon Emission Transfer Based on Merchandise Trade Studies in Science of Science 2011 CSSCI 16 Comparison of TFP in Major Countries Based on Panel Data Model:1999-2006 Mathematics in Practice and Theory 2011 CSSCI 17 Empirical Survey of Pay System for Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians ——Taking Cities of Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Changzhou in Jiangsu Province as Examples Science Research Management 2011

 CSSCI 18 Meteorological Service Benefit and Disaster Risk Assessment Science Press 2015 Advanced 19 Meteorological Service Industry Development Strategy Research Science Press 2014 Advanced 20 Knowledge Innovation of Endogenous Industry Cluster Science Press 2011 Advanced

 3 .Research Projects Undertaken in Recent Five-year

 Num. Class of the Project Name of the Project Commencement Date & Role in the Project &

 Deadline Project Progress 1 Training Program of the Major Research Plan of the National Science Foundation of China Research on Integration Method of Big Data of Meteorological Disasters for Supporting Emergency Decision-making 2015 Project leader, ongoing project 2 Surface Project Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

 Research on Evaluation Method of Indirect Economic Loss Caused by Meteorological Disasters for Supporting Emergency Response Policy Design 2013 Project leader, ongoing project 3 Director Fund Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China Research on Cross-regional and Multi-industry Emergency Response Mechanism of Meteorological Disasters Based on Indirect Economic Loss Evaluation 2011-2013 Project leader, finished 4 Project Supported by the Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China International Conference on Risk Analysis of Meteorological Disasters 2014 Project leader, finished 5 “333” Talent Project of Jiangsu Province Economic Loss Evaluation Method and System Development for Agrometeorological Disasters 2014 Project leader, finished 6 Ministry of Science and Technology Research on Cross-regional and Multi-industry Emergency Response Policies of Meteorological Disasters 2011-2013 Project leader, finished 7 China Association for Science and Technology Data Collection of The Old scientists’ Academic Growth Data

 2011-2013 Project leader, finished

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