

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-08-30 來(lái)源: 黨課講稿 點(diǎn)擊:



 夫人 - Good morning. - Good morning, madame. -早上好

 -你好 - Good morning. - Hello. 又有新書(shū)

 我相信你一定拿來(lái)不少好書(shū) New delivery. I"m sure you"ve got some excellent books there. 終于抓到你了 Got you at last! 你這不是第一次偷我的東西了

 是不是 Not the first time you"ve stolen from me, is it, 你個(gè)小賊 my little thief?! 快把你口袋里的東西掏出來(lái)

  Hm? Quick, empty your pockets. 你弄疼我了 You"re hurting me! 掏空你的口袋

 要不我就喊車(chē)站巡察員了 Empty your pockets, or I"ll call the Station Inspector. 照我說(shuō)的做 Do as I say! 你拿這些做什么 What are you doing with all these? -另一個(gè)口袋

 -里面沒(méi)東西 - And the other one. - There"s nothing in it. 車(chē)站巡察員哪去了 Where"s the Station Inspector?! 鬼啊 Ghosts. 這些圖是你畫(huà)的嗎 Did you draw these pictures? 這些圖是你畫(huà)的嗎 Did you draw these pictures? 你從哪偷來(lái)的 Where did you steal this? -不是我偷的

 -偷東西還撒謊 - I didn"t steal it. - You"re a thief and a liar. 給我滾

  Get out of here. -還我筆記本

 -現(xiàn)在不是你的了 - Give me my notebook! - It"s no longer your notebook! 這是我的


 It is my notebook and I"ll do with it what I like! 說(shuō)不定我會(huì)燒了它 Maybe I"ll just burn it! -不

 -那就告訴我這些畫(huà)是誰(shuí)畫(huà)的 - No! - Then tell me who did the drawings! 滾開(kāi)

 你個(gè)小毛賊 Get out of here, you little thief! 你干嘛還在這兒呆著 Why are you still here? -滾


 你可聽(tīng)到有人施暴 - Go! - Maximilian, do you hear an atrocity? 災(zāi)禍不幸


 沖吧 Calamity? Corruption? Go! 借過(guò)


 請(qǐng)讓開(kāi) Excuse me, excuse me! Move aside! 讓開(kāi)

 給我讓路 Move aside! Gangway! 讓開(kāi) Move! 靠邊站 Stand aside! 怎么回事 What?! 有狼 Ah! A wolf! 閃開(kāi)

 閃開(kāi) Move, move! Ah! 各位繼續(xù) As you were. 讓開(kāi) Move! 攔住那個(gè)孩子

 逮住他 Stop that child! Apprehend! 弗里克先生 Monsieur Frick! 讓開(kāi) Hey! Move aside! 讓開(kāi) Move! 讓開(kāi) Move!

 請(qǐng)?jiān)?Pardon me! 先生

 讓開(kāi) Sir, move! 可惡 Malediction! 不

 停下火車(chē) Oh! No! Stop the train! 停下火車(chē) Hold the train! Whoa! 救命


 我需要協(xié)助 Help! Help! Assistance! 停車(chē)

 停下火車(chē) Oh! Hold it, hold the train! 把包拿開(kāi)

 把包拿開(kāi) Move the bag! Move the bag! 不 Ohhh! Oh! No! 我的天

 真抱歉 Oh, my God! I"m so sorry 真是太抱歉了 I"m so sorry. 不能這樣

 這樣很不乖 No, no, no. That was very, very bad. 雨果 我知道你在那兒 I know you"re there. 你叫什么

 孩子 What"s your name, boy? 雨果

 雨果·卡布里特 Hugo. Hugo Cabret. 離我遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)

 雨果·卡布里特 Stay away from me, Hugo Cabret. 否則我就帶你去車(chē)站巡察員辦公室 Or I"ll drag you to the Station Inspector"s office. 他會(huì)把你關(guān)在那間小牢房♥里 He"ll lock you up in his little cell, 你就再也出不來(lái)了

 再也不能去上學(xué) and you"ll never get out, you"ll never go to school, 也不能結(jié)婚生子 you will never get married and have children of your own

 也不能教他們偷東西了 to take things that don"t belong to them. 還我的筆記本 Give me back my notebook. 我這就回家燒掉你的筆記本 I"m going home to burn your notebook. -你不能燒

 -誰(shuí)能來(lái)阻止我 - You can"t burn my notebook - And who"s to stop me? 你好像凍壞了 Oh, you look so cold. 我燥熱的很

 他真是氣死我了 I"m very hot. He"s really upset me. -誰(shuí)氣死你了

 -那個(gè)孩子 - Who"s really upset you? - That child. 你是誰(shuí) Who are you? 你爺爺偷了我的筆記本 Your grandfather stole my notebook. 我得趕在他燒掉之前取回來(lái) I"ve got to get it back before he burns it. 喬治爸爸不是我爺爺 Papa Georges isn"t my grandfather. 他也不是小偷

 你才是 And he isn"t a thief. You"re the thief. 你不過(guò)就是個(gè) You"re nothing but a... 無(wú)賴(lài) ...a reprobate. -你得走了

 -沒(méi)有我的筆記本我不走 - You"ll have to go. - Not without my notebook. 你為什么這么想要它 Why do you need it so badly? 我不能告訴你 I can"t tell you. 這是秘密嗎 Is it a secret? -是的


 我喜歡秘密 - Yes. - Oh, good, I love secrets. -快告訴我

 -不要 - Tell me this instant. - No. 如果你不肯告訴我


 Well, if you won"t tell me, then you"ll have to leave. -沒(méi)有筆記本我不走

 -噓 - Not without my notebook! - Shh! 我會(huì)有麻煩的 I"ll get in trouble. 快回家吧 Just go home. 好吧 All right. 我保證不讓他燒了你的筆記本 I"ll make sure he doesn"t burn your notebook. 快走吧 Now go. 這是什么 What is it? 這叫機(jī)器人 It"s called an automaton. 機(jī)器人 An aut... An automaton? 我在博物館的閣樓上發(fā)現(xiàn)他被丟棄在那里 I found him abandoned in the attic at the museum. 他能做什么 What does he do? 他靠發(fā)條驅(qū)動(dòng)

 就像音樂(lè)盒那樣 He"s a windup figure, like a music box. 這是我見(jiàn)過(guò)最復(fù)雜的裝置 This is the most complicated one I"ve ever seen... 前所未有 by far. 你瞧

 這個(gè)機(jī)器人 You see, this one... 這個(gè)機(jī)器人能寫(xiě)字 ...this one can write. 這一定是在倫敦制♥造♥的 It must"ve been made in London. 媽媽也是那里的人 Where Mother was from. 她是考文垂人

 但她搬去了倫敦 She was from Coventry, but she... moved to London. 我小時(shí)候

 魔術(shù)師會(huì)用這樣的機(jī)器 Magicians used machines like this when I was a boy.



 有些能唱 Some walked, some danced, some sang. 但是玄妙都在發(fā)條裝置上 But the secret was always in the clockwork. 瞧啊 Huh, look at that. 我們能修好他嗎 Can we fix him? 說(shuō)不好啊

 雨果 Oh, I don"t know, Hugo. 他銹得很?chē)?yán)重 He"s badly rusted. 要找到合適的零件也會(huì)很難 And finding parts to fit will be very hard. 我們當(dāng)然能修好他了 Of course we can fix him. 我們可是鐘表匠

 是不是 We"re clockmakers, aren"t we? 但得等我做完店里的活兒 But only after I"ve finished my work at the shop 還有博物館的活兒

 你懂吧 and at the museum, hmm? You understand. 我們把這個(gè)放回去

 把它固定好 We"ll put this back in. Just steady it... 好極了 Perfect. 看見(jiàn)這個(gè)了嗎 You see this? 又是個(gè)難題 Another complication. 又是個(gè)謎題 Another mystery. 你喜歡謎題 That makes you happy. 一個(gè)心形的鑰匙孔 Mmm. A keyhole in the shape of a heart. 可惜我們沒(méi)有鑰匙 Unfortunately, we don"t have the key. 我修好了齒輪 I fixed the gears and... 克勞德叔叔

 Uncle Claude. 發(fā)生了火災(zāi) There was a fire. 你♥爸♥爸死了 Your father"s dead. 快收拾好東西 Pack your things, quickly. 你得跟我走 You"re coming with me. 快 Quick! 你就做我的學(xué)徒

 跟我一起住在車(chē)站 You"ll be my apprentice, and you"ll live with me at the station. 我會(huì)教你怎么維護(hù)鐘表 And I"ll teach you how to take care of them clocks. 這些公♥寓♥ These apartments were built 是多年前為車(chē)站維護(hù)者而建 for them that run the station years ago. 但現(xiàn)在大家都忘了 But everybody"s forgotten they"re here. 你的床在那邊角落里 Your bed is in the corner, over there. 睡會(huì)兒覺(jué)吧

 我們五點(diǎn)起來(lái)工作 Now get some sleep. We start work at 5:00. -我不上學(xué)了嗎

 -你別想著上學(xué)了 - What about school? - You"ve finished with school! 你在這里干活兒哪有時(shí)間上學(xué) There"ll be no time for that when you"re in them walls. 雨果 Hugo, 沒(méi)了我

 你就得進(jìn)孤兒院 without me, you"d be in the orphanage. 時(shí)間 Ah, time... 我的時(shí)間

 一分鐘六十秒 My time is... 60 seconds in a minute. 一小時(shí)六十分 Sixty minutes in an hour. 時(shí)間就是一切 Time is everything.

 一切 Everything. 時(shí)間啊時(shí)間 Ah, time, time, time... 好了 Ok. 你好 Oh, hello. 我只是覺(jué)得 I just thought... 這笑話挺不錯(cuò) ...rather nice joke. 別這樣


 快停下 Stop that! No, Schatzi! Stop it! 別別

 別這樣 No, no, no, no! 回來(lái) Come back! 別過(guò)來(lái)

 他只是一只小狗罷了 Stand back! He"s just a small little dog. 請(qǐng)你小心點(diǎn)

 你踩到他了 Please be careful! You"ve stepped on him! 別傷害他 Don"t hurt him! -早上好


 親愛(ài)的 - Good morning! - Morning, sweetheart. 你好

 你好嗎 Hello, how are you? 早上好


 要點(diǎn)什么嗎 Good morning, sir. Can I help you with anything? 我要這束吧 I"ll take these. 我就覺(jué)得今天會(huì)見(jiàn)到你 I thought I might see you today. 我要我的筆記本 I need my notebook. 你為什么這么想要它 Why do you need it so badly? 幫我 To help me... 修理一樣?xùn)|西

 ...to fix something. 走開(kāi) Go away. 請(qǐng)你走開(kāi)吧 Please just go away. 慢著 Wait! Hey! -抱歉

 -我看到了 - Sorry, I... - I saw. -你哭了嗎

 -沒(méi)有 - Are you crying? - No. 別動(dòng) Hold still. 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)

 哭沒(méi)什么不好的 Look, there"s nothing wrong with crying. 悉尼·卡爾頓和希斯克里夫也會(huì)哭的 Sydney Carton cries. And Heathcliff, too. 分別是《雙城記》和《呼嘯山莊》的男主角 -書(shū)里面寫(xiě)他們總是哭

 -我自己能行 - In books, they"re crying all the time. - I can do it. 我得跟你談?wù)?/p>


 不過(guò) I need to talk to you. It"s terribly important, but... 不能在這兒談

 我們 But not here. We"re too... 太顯眼了 ...exposed. -走吧

 -我們要去哪 - Come on. - Where are we going? 世界上最好的地方 Only to the most wonderful place on earth. 是夢(mèng)幻島加奧茲國(guó) It"s Neverland and Oz and... 再加金銀島

 全融為一體 Treasure Island all wrapped into one. 早上好

 拉比西先生 Good morning, Monsieur Labisse. 伊莎貝爾 Ah, Isabelle. 容我介紹雨果·卡布里特先生 May I present to you Monsieur Hugo Cabret, 是我多年的好友

 a very old and dear companion. 卡布里特先生 Monsieur Cabret. 你好 Hello. 謝謝你借我這本書(shū) Well, thank you for this. 我覺(jué)得我快要愛(ài)上大衛(wèi)·科波菲爾了 I think I"m halfway in love with David Copperfield. 攝影的書(shū)籍在哪 Photography? -后面角落左邊頂層架子上

 -謝謝 - Back corner, left, top shelf. - Thank you. 喂

 什么事那么重要 Listen, what"s so important? 你的筆記本還在喬治爸爸手里 Papa Georges still has your notebook. 他沒(méi)燒掉

 只是耍了個(gè)小把戲 He didn"t burn it. That was all a trick. 為什么 Why? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我只知道這筆記本弄得他很難過(guò) All I know is the notebook made him very upset. 他和讓娜媽媽為這事談到很晚 And he and Mama Jeanne stayed up very late talking about it. 我覺(jué)得他都哭了 Well, you see, I think he was crying. 你為什么要幫我 Why are you helping me? 因?yàn)檫@可能是場(chǎng)冒險(xiǎn) Because this might be an adventure. 而我從沒(méi)冒過(guò)險(xiǎn) And I"ve never had one before... 至多就是讀書(shū)里的歷險(xiǎn)記 ...outside of books, at least. 而且我覺(jué)得我們應(yīng)該 And I think we should be very... 秘密行動(dòng) clandestine.

 好吧 Ok. 對(duì)了


 你想借本書(shū)嗎 By the way, my name"s Isabelle. Do you want a book? 拉比西先生允許我借書(shū) Monsieur Labisse lets me borrow them, 我肯定也能幫你借到一本 and I"m sure I could get one for you. 不用了 No. 你不喜歡書(shū)嗎 Don"t you like books? 不


 我喜歡 No... No, I do. 我以前會(huì)和爸爸一起看儒勒·凡爾納的書(shū) My father and I used to read Jules Verne together. 那來(lái)吧 Well, come on. 我要怎么要回我的筆記本 How do I get my notebook back? 我覺(jué)得你得勇敢地面對(duì)他 Well, I think you should stand up to him. 別跟他說(shuō)我們說(shuō)過(guò)話 And don"t tell him we talked. 我會(huì)盡可能幫你 I"ll help you if I can. 有點(diǎn)恒心 Be steadfast. 走開(kāi) Go away. 修好它 Fix it. 我說(shuō)

 修好它 I said, fix it 我知道你一直在偷店里的零部件 I know you"ve been stealing parts from the shop. 不如就用你還沒(méi)偷的修吧 You might as well use those you haven"t stolen yet. 還我筆記本 Give me my notebook. 你還有幾分天資

 You"ve got a bit of talent. 但你得證明你不僅僅是個(gè)小毛賊 But you"ll have to prove there"s more to you than being a thief. -你可以把你的筆記本賺回去

 -怎么賺 - You can earn your notebook. - How? 每天都到我的店來(lái) Come to the booth every day. 我會(huì)決定你得為你偷的每樣?xùn)|西工作多久 I"ll decide how long you must work for each item you stole. 你什么時(shí)候算是賺回了你的筆記本 And it will be up to me to decide when... 也由我來(lái)決定

 如果真能有這一天 ...you"ve earned your notebook, if ever. 我已經(jīng)有工作了

  I already have a job. "做賊"不叫工作

 孩子 "Thief" is not a job, boy. 我還有個(gè)工作 I have a different job. 但我有空時(shí)會(huì)來(lái)的 But I"ll come when I can. 你從明天開(kāi)始吧

 走吧 You begin tomorrow. Go away. 我現(xiàn)在就開(kāi)始 I"ll begin now. 不是那個(gè)

 是另一個(gè) Not that one, the other one. 這是你挑的牌嗎 Is this your card? 鑰匙在哪 Where is it? 小孩子 Little man. 你的長(zhǎng)輩呢

 回答我 Where are your designated adults? Answer me! -沒(méi)有長(zhǎng)輩

 -你有父母嗎 - Ain"t got none. - Do you have any parents? -沒(méi)有

 -很好 - No! - Excellent. 那你就得直接進(jìn)孤兒院了

 是不是 It"s straight to the orphanage with you, isn"t it?


 -你看那人的瓶子做什么 - No! - What were you doing looking in that man"s bottle? 那是你的瓶子嗎 Was that your... Was that your bottle?! -不要

 -那是你的紙袋子嗎 - No. - Was that your paper bag? 那是你的紙袋子嗎

 很顯然 Was that your paper bag? It states clearly... 是的

 我是古斯塔夫·達(dá)斯德 Yes, Gustave Daste here. 是的長(zhǎng)官

 又找到個(gè)孤兒 Yes, Officer, another orphan... 擅自闖入和盜竊罪 Um, trespass and theft this time. 他的手"擅自闖入"了一個(gè)紙袋子 His hand was trespassing inside a paper bag, with the intent 意圖偷走里面的東西 of removing its contents. 他偷到的東西

 一塊糕點(diǎn) The object of his plunder? A pastry. 安靜點(diǎn) Be quiet! 搗蛋鬼

 用你的臟手套 Keep... Stop your sniffling, you little urchin, 把鼻涕擦掉 with your filthy little mitts. 我當(dāng)然不是跟您講話 No, of course I wasn"t talking to you. 對(duì)您我只有最高的敬意 I have only the highest respect for you. Please. 不

 這不是評(píng)價(jià)您的妻子 No, that was not a comment about your wife. 太荒謬了 That"s absurd. 我從來(lái)沒(méi)聽(tīng)過(guò)那些傳言 I have not heard any of those rumors. 不

 我不知道 No, I was not aware of that. 她肯定會(huì)回來(lái)的 Well, I"m sure she will return. 來(lái)吧


 Come on, you little vermin. 這就是偷糕點(diǎn)的小偷

 是嗎 So here"s the little pastry thief, eh? -就是這個(gè)

 -偷餡餅的是哪個(gè) - This is the one. - Who"s a little strudel thief then? 關(guān)于你妻子的事

 我很抱歉 Apologies about your wife. 你覺(jué)得我應(yīng)該拿她怎么辦 What do you think I should do about her? -什么事

 -她要離開(kāi)我 - What? About what? - Leaving me. -別動(dòng)

 -想得美 - Hey! Come on! - Nice try. 來(lái)

 進(jìn)去 Go on, get in there! -你覺(jué)得是我的孩子嗎

 -什么 - Do you think it"s mine? - What? 我不知道該怎么做

 她懷孕了 I don"t know what to do. She"s having a baby, you know. -確定是你的嗎

 -還能是誰(shuí)的 - Sure it"s yours? - Who else"s could it be? 當(dāng)然是你的 Of course it"s yours. 你上次和她發(fā)♥生♥關(guān)♥系♥是什么時(shí)候 When"s the last time you had relations with her? 去年某個(gè)時(shí)候嗎 Any time in the last year? -不是吧

 -那就很可疑了 - No, I don"t think so. - Very suspicious, then. 要是你能見(jiàn)到她

 麻煩你 If you should see her, please... 你確定要她回來(lái)嗎 Oh. You sure you want her back? 當(dāng)然


 我很愛(ài)她 Oh, yes, yes. I love her very much. 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎



 三 Ready? One, two, three! 完美 Perfect. 俠盜羅賓漢

 大仲馬作品 羅賓漢


 Robin Hood. I saw this movie. 道格拉斯·范朋克演的

 你看過(guò)嗎 With Douglas Fairbanks. Did you see that? 我沒(méi)看過(guò)電影 I"ve never seen a movie. -什么

 -很吃驚嗎 - What? - Isn"t it appalling? 你沒(méi)看過(guò)電影

 從來(lái)沒(méi)看過(guò)嗎 You"ve never seen a movie? Not ever? 喬治爸爸不讓 Papa Georges won"t let me. -他在這點(diǎn)上很?chē)?yán)厲

 -我愛(ài)電影 - He"s very strict about it. - I love the movies. 我父親經(jīng)常在我生日時(shí)帶我去看 My father always took me for my birthday. 雨果 Hugo... 你父親是不是去世了 ...is your father dead? 我不想談這個(gè) I don"t want to talk about it. 伊莎貝爾 Isabelle... 想不想要冒險(xiǎn) ...do you want to have an adventure? 電影院 默片電影節(jié) 我們會(huì)有麻煩的 We could get into trouble. 會(huì)有麻煩才叫冒險(xiǎn) That"s how you know it"s an adventure. 《最后安全》

 哈羅德·勞埃德的代表作 你們兩個(gè)小鬼怎么進(jìn)來(lái)的 How did you two rats get in here?! 出來(lái) Come on! 別讓我在這里再看到你們 And I"d better not see you in here again! 為什么喬治爸爸不讓你看電影 Why doesn"t Papa Georges let you go to the movies? 不知道


 I don"t know. He never said. 我肯定我親生父母會(huì)同意的 I bet my parents would"ve let me. 他們?cè)趺戳?What happened to them? 我小的時(shí)候他們就去世了 They died... when I was a baby. 喬治爸爸和讓娜媽媽是我的教父教母 But Papa Georges and Mama Jeanne, they"re my godparents, 他們收留了我 so they took me in. 他們對(duì)我很好

 除了不讓我看電影 They"re very nice about most everything, except the movies. 我父親總是帶我去看電影 My father took me to the movies all the time. 他告訴我他第一次看電影的時(shí)候 He told me about the first one he ever saw... 他走進(jìn)黑漆漆的房♥間

 在白色屏幕上 He went into a dark room, and on a white screen, 他看到火箭沖進(jìn)月亮上的人的眼睛里 he saw a rocket fly into the eye of the man in the moon. -徑直沖進(jìn)去

 -真的嗎 - It went straight in. - Really? 他說(shuō)那天好像看到了夢(mèng)境成真 He said it was like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day. 電影院對(duì)我們有特殊的意義 The movies were our special place... 我們?nèi)タ措娪?...where we could go and watch something and... 就不會(huì)太想媽媽 ...we didn"t miss my mum so much. 你時(shí)常想起他

 不是嗎 You think about him a lot, don"t you? 一直在想 All the time. 雨果

 你住哪里 Hugo, um... where do you live? 那里 There. 叔叔教我怎么維持鐘表運(yùn)作 My uncle taught me how to run the clocks.

 所以我就一直在維護(hù)它們 So I just keep on doing it. 也許有天他會(huì)回來(lái)

 不過(guò)我很懷疑 Maybe he"ll come back one day, but I doubt it. 你不擔(dān)心有人會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)你嗎 Aren"t you afraid someone will find out? 只要鐘一直在走

 而且沒(méi)人看到我 Not as long as the clocks keep on running and no one sees me. -表現(xiàn)得自然點(diǎn)

 -什么 - Act natural. - What? 繼續(xù)走

 表現(xiàn)得自然點(diǎn) Just keep on walking. Act natural. 我現(xiàn)在表現(xiàn)得怎么樣 How am I acting now? 你們兩個(gè)

 站住 You two, halt! 過(guò)來(lái) Come here. -日安


 -你們的父母呢 - Good day, monsieur. - Where are your parents? 我和喬治爸爸在玩具店工作 I work with my Papa Georges at the toy booth. 你以前肯定見(jiàn)過(guò)我 Surely you"ve seen me there before. 這是我從鄉(xiāng)下來(lái)的表哥

 雨果 And this is my cousin from the country, Hugo. 你得原諒他 You"ll have to forgive him. 他頭腦簡(jiǎn)單

 真的很愚蠢 He"s quite... simple-minded. Doltish, really. 真可憐 Poor thing. 看來(lái)馬克西米蘭不喜歡你的手臂

 小家伙 Seems Maximilian doesn"t like the cut of your jib, little man. 你的外表讓它感到不安 He is disturbed by your physiognomy. 你的面貌讓它心煩 He is upset by your visage. 它為什么不喜歡你的臉呢 Why would he not like your face? 可能是他聞起來(lái)有股貓味

 Well, perhaps he smells my cat. -貓

 -是的 - Cat? - Yes. 克里斯蒂娜·羅賽蒂

 跟那個(gè)女詩(shī)人同名 Christina Rossetti"s her name, after the poetess. 你想讓我背一首嗎 Would you like me to recite? 我的心像一只歌♥唱的鳥(niǎo) My heart is like a singing bird 它的巢在瀑布邊的巖石間 Whose nest is in a water"d shoot 我的心像一株蘋(píng)果樹(shù) My heart is like an apple tree 它的枝條被累累碩果壓彎 Whose boughs are bent with thick-set... 好了好了

 我知道后面的 All right, all right. I know the rest. 今天詩(shī)歌♥就到這兒 That"s enough poetry for today. 我熱愛(ài)詩(shī)歌♥

 特別是克里斯...蒂娜的詩(shī) I love poetry, particularly that poem by Chris... tina. -羅賽蒂

 -是的 - Rossetti. - She"s... yeah. 她是我最?lèi)?ài)的詩(shī)人之一

 我知道羅賽蒂 She"s one of my favorites. I know it"s Rossetti. 我知道羅賽蒂 I know it"s Rossetti. 我熱愛(ài)詩(shī)歌♥

 但是車(chē)站不是地方 I love poetry, just... not in the station. 我們?cè)谶@里上車(chē)下車(chē) We"re here to either get on trains or get off them. 或者在不同的店鋪里工作

 明白嗎 Or work in different shops, is that clear? -是的


 -小心點(diǎn) - Yes, sir. - Watch your step. 走吧 Go on, go. 愚蠢 Doltish? 既然我救了你 Now, since I just saved your life,

 讓我看看你的隱蔽所如何 how about letting me see your covert lair? -我的什么


 墻里面 - My what? - Where you live, in the walls. 我得走了

 還有事 I have to go now. I have things to do. 等等 Hold on! 你見(jiàn)過(guò)我家了

 干嘛不讓我見(jiàn)見(jiàn)你的 You"ve seen my house. Isn"t it about time that I saw yours? 畢竟我是你唯一的朋友 After all, I am your only friend. 你不是我唯一的朋友 You"re not my only friend. 神神秘秘不適合你 Being enigmatic really doesn"t suit you. -你去哪兒

 -我得走了 - What are you up to? - I"ve got to go. 我一開(kāi)始就不該離開(kāi)車(chē)站 I should never have left the station to begin with. 雨果 Hugo! -你從哪兒搞到的

 -不關(guān)你事 - Where did you get this? - None of your business. -我需要它

 -干嘛 - I need it. - What for? 就是需要 I just need it 除非 Not unless... 除非你告訴我原因 Not unless you tell me why. 跟我來(lái) Come. 太神奇了

 我覺(jué)得自己就像冉·阿讓 This is marvelous. I feel just like Jean Valjean. 冉·阿讓

 雨果《悲慘世界》中的勞工 太精密了 Oh, this is superlative. 那是什么 What is that?

 是一個(gè)機(jī)器人 It"s an automaton. 爸爸去世前在修理它 My father was fixing it... before he died. 為什么我的鑰匙會(huì)適合你♥爸♥爸的機(jī)器 Why would my key fit into your father"s machine? 他看上去很憂傷 He looks sad. 我覺(jué)得他在等待 I think he"s just waiting. 等什么 For what? 重新啟動(dòng)的那一刻 To work again. 做它該做的事 To do what he"s supposed to do. 你給它上發(fā)條以后會(huì)怎樣 What happens when you wind him up? 不知道 I don"t know. 怎么了 What"s the matter? 我知道這很傻 I know it"s silly... 但是我覺(jué)得可能會(huì)有我爸爸留下的信息 ...but I think it"s going to be a message from my father. 我真是個(gè)白♥癡♥

 妄想能修好它 What an idiot, to think I could fix it. -雨果

 -它是壞的 - Hugo... - It"s broken! 一直都是壞的 It"ll always be broken! 別這樣 Look... 雨果

 別這樣 Hugo, look, it doesn"t have to be like this. -你能修好的

 -你不... - You can fix it. - You don"t... 你不懂 You don"t understand. 我原以為

 I thought... 要是能修好

 我就不會(huì)那么孤單了 ...if I could fix it, I wouldn"t be so alone. 雨果 Hugo! 雨果



 還沒(méi)完 Hugo, look! Look, it"s not done. It"s not done! 它不是在寫(xiě) It"s not writing... 是在畫(huà) ...it"s drawing. 這是爸爸看過(guò)的電影 That"s the movie my father saw. 喬治·梅里耶 Georges Méliès. 喬治·梅里耶 Georges Méliès? 這是喬治爸爸的名字 That"s Papa Georges" name 為什么你♥爸♥爸的機(jī)器會(huì)簽喬治爸爸的名字 Why would your father"s machine sign Papa Georges" name? 我不知道 I don"t know. 謝謝你 Thank you. 這是爸爸留下的信息 It was a message from my father. 現(xiàn)在我們得去查清楚 And now we have to figure it out. 來(lái)吧 Come on. -來(lái)吧

 -伊莎貝爾 - Come on. - Isabelle? 讓娜媽媽

 我們得跟您談?wù)?Mama Jeanne, we... We have to talk to you. 這是雨果·卡布里特 This is Hugo Cabret. 晚上好

 女士 Good evening, ma"am. 對(duì)于一個(gè)小偷來(lái)說(shuō)

 挺有禮貌 Very good manners... for a thief.

 我不是小偷 I"m not a thief. 什么事

 伊莎貝爾 What"s going on, Isabelle? 這是一個(gè)很長(zhǎng)又錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的故事 Oh, well, it"s a terribly long story filled with circumlocutions, 您還記得幾周前 but do you remember several weeks ago when... 等等 Wait! 媽媽 Mama? 孩子們 Oh, children. 你干了什么

 你從哪兒得到這個(gè)的 What have you done? Where did you get this? 你會(huì)說(shuō)我撒謊 You"ll call me a liar. 不

 孩子 No, child. 一個(gè)機(jī)器人畫(huà)的 A mechanical man drew it. 你的嗎 Do you have him? 我父親在一家博物館發(fā)現(xiàn)的 My father found him in a museum. 沒(méi)人要 Nobody wanted him. 我們修好了它 We fixed it. 不

 但是需要我的 No, but it needed my... 我的鑰匙 ...my key. -我把鑰匙給你了



  - The key I gave you. - No, no, Mama, he... 不不


 過(guò)去的事別提了 No. No, you take this away. Can"t dredge up the past now. 無(wú)論如何

 你都別讓喬治爸爸看到 Whatever happens, you don"t let Papa Georges see it. -告訴我怎么了



 - Please tell us what"s going on. - Out! None of your business. 你們必須忘掉 You must both forget this. 父親和我

 我們千辛萬(wàn)苦修好了它 My father and I, we worked hard to fix this. 這是他留給我的僅有的東西 This is all I have left of him 我想知道這是什么意思 I need to know what this means. 求你了 Please. 有些事你還小不明白 There are things you"re too young to understand. 你不應(yīng)該知道這些傷心的事 You should not yet know such sadness. -是喬治爸爸

 -不能讓他知道你在這兒 - It"s Papa Georges. - He can"t know you"re here. 安靜 Quiet! 安靜 Now just keep quiet- I"ll 我會(huì)想個(gè)法子把他弄出去 find a way to get him out of the apartment. 你們兩個(gè)都別發(fā)出聲響 Not a noise from either of you. 她看了眼大衣櫥 She looked at the armoire. 找你的筆記本時(shí)我已經(jīng)翻過(guò)了 I already searched it when I was looking for your notebook. 我再看看

 你守門(mén) I"ll look again. You stand guard. 很好 Splendid. -菲姿在哪兒

 -她剛出去了 - Where"s Fizzie? - You just missed her. 不在樓梯間嗎

 你回來(lái)的時(shí)候沒(méi)看到她嗎 Not on the stairs? Didn"t you see her when you were going past? -沒(méi)有


 好吧 - No. - No? Well, um... 看 Look.

 我們得仔細(xì)調(diào)查 We have to investigate. 我來(lái)

 我高 Let me. I"m taller. -敲敲

 -好的 - Knock on it. - OK. 起死回生 Back from the dead. 住手


 喬治 Stop. Stop, Georges. -住手


 -我的作品 - Stop it! This is your work! - My work?! 我算什么 What am I? 身無(wú)分文的商人

 就像發(fā)條壞掉的玩具 Nothing but a penniless merchant! A broken windup toy. 我相信你 I trusted you. 這就是你感謝我的方式 This is how you thank me. 你太殘忍♥了 You"re cruel. 太殘忍♥ Cruel. 我該回去了 I should get back. 好的 Ok. 謝謝你 Thank you... 今天帶我去看電影 ...for the movie today. It... 那是一份禮物 It was a gift. 對(duì)不起 Sorry, I... 你知道這本書(shū)嗎 You know this volume? 父親和我過(guò)去一起讀過(guò) My father and I used to read it together. 它是為我的教子準(zhǔn)備的

 It is intended for... my godson. 但是現(xiàn)在我覺(jué)得 But now I think it is intended... 是為你準(zhǔn)備的

 卡布里特先生 ...for you, Monsieur Cabret. 我能再要一杯嗎 Might I have another cup? 還在做

 待會(huì) Still brewing. Soon. 和其他東西一樣 Demitasse, like everything else, 咖啡得在恰當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī)做好 must happen at the opportune moment. 要是我們知道那是什么時(shí)候就好了 If we only knew when that moment was. 古斯塔夫

 勇敢點(diǎn) Oh, Gustave, be intrepid. 去跟她打個(gè)招呼 Say hello to her. 來(lái)吧

 給我個(gè)最燦爛的微笑 Come on, give me your best smile. 最燦爛的微笑 Your best smile. 很美 It"s beautiful. 光芒四射 Radiant! 謝謝 Thank you. 莉莎特小姐 Mademoiselle Lisette. 如此良辰美景

 向你問(wèn)聲晚上好 A very gracious good evening to you. -巡察員先生

 -是 - Monsieur Inspector. - Hmm, yes. 正是 Hmm, yes. 那些花真漂亮 Those are lovely posies, those. 謝謝 Thank you.

 是從古爾冬送來(lái)的 Yes, they"re from Gourdon. 火車(chē)連夜送來(lái)的

 還很新鮮 They come in on the overnight train, so they"re very fresh. 古爾冬啊 Ah, Gourdon. 是個(gè)很漂亮的地方 Splendid country, that. 欣欣向榮 Robust. 天氣好

 牛都哞哞叫 The weather... the cows and such mooing. 乳型漂亮極了 Perfectly formed udders. 是啊 Yeah. 它們味道重嗎 Are they... Are they smelly? 這些花味道重嗎 Are they smelly flowers? 有那么一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)

 請(qǐng)便 Oh, um... yes, a little. They"re... Please. 我在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中負(fù)傷

 一直沒(méi)有痊愈 You see, I was injured in the war, and it will never heal. 晚安

 小姐 Good evening, mademoiselle. 我失去了我的兄弟 I lost my brother. 在哪兒 Where? 凡爾登 Verdun. 再見(jiàn)

 巡察員先生 Good evening, Monsieur Inspector. 再見(jiàn)

 莉莎特小姐 Very good evening, Mademoiselle Lisette. 電影學(xué)院圖書(shū)館 The Film Academy library. 什么 Excuse me? 電影學(xué)院圖書(shū)館

 The Film Academy library. 在那里你可以找到有關(guān)電影的一切 You"ll find all you need to know about movies there 二層


 三區(qū) Second level, fourth row, section three... 頂層架子上 ...and, yes, top shelf. 《造夢(mèng)》 The Invention of Dreams... 作者是讓內(nèi)·塔巴爾德 ...by René Tabard... 早期電影的故事 ...TStory of the First Movies. 1♥8♥9♥5 年

 第一部電影上映 "In 1♥8♥9♥5, one of the very first films ever shown 片名是《火車(chē)進(jìn)站》 was called A Train Arrives in the Station, 全片只有火車(chē)進(jìn)站這一個(gè)鏡頭 which had nothing more than a train coming into the station." 當(dāng)火車(chē)飛快駛向熒幕時(shí) "When the train came speeding toward the screen, 觀眾都嚇得驚叫

 因?yàn)樗麄円詾?the audience screamed, because they thought they 會(huì)被火車(chē)撞到 were in danger of being run over." 沒(méi)人見(jiàn)過(guò)這樣的畫(huà)面 "No one had ever seen anything like it before." 沒(méi)人見(jiàn)過(guò)這樣的畫(huà)面 "No one had ever seen anything like it before." 最初這只是新奇的小插曲

  "What began as a sideshow novelty 但之后電影制片人發(fā)現(xiàn) soon grew into something more 可以用這種新媒體來(lái)講故事 when the first filmmakers discovered 電影便隨之蓬勃發(fā)展 they could use the new medium to tell stories. " 電影導(dǎo)演喬治·梅里耶 "The filmmaker Georges Méliès... 和其他幾位導(dǎo)演 ...was one of the first to realize that...

 最早意識(shí)到電影 films had the power 有捕捉夢(mèng)境的力量 ...to capture dreams." 這位早期電影的先驅(qū)逝于 "The great pioneer of early filmmaking died during... 世界大戰(zhàn) ...the Great War." 去世了 Died? -世界大戰(zhàn)

 -你們對(duì)梅里耶感興趣嗎 - During the Great War? - You"re interested in Méliès? 沒(méi)錯(cuò) ...yes. 沒(méi)說(shuō)不允許啊 It"s allowed. 是嗎 Is it? 他是我的教父 He"s my godfather, you see. 而且身體好著呢

 謝謝您的關(guān)心 And very much alive, thank you very much. 這不可能 But that"s not possible. 我向你保證

 先生 I assure you, sir... 這是真的 ...it"s true. 我憑什么相信你 Why should I believe you? 因?yàn)?Because... 這是事實(shí) Because it"s true. 梅里耶還活著 Méliès alive? 跟我來(lái) Come with me. 研究你的教父是我的最大愛(ài)好 Your godfather is a passion of mine. 他是位偉大的電影人

 He was a great filmmaker. 這是他在攝影棚的工作照 Here he is at work in his studio. 這是他舞臺(tái)劇的廣♥告♥ And this is a handbill from his stage act. 這是傳奇的水晶鐘 Here is the great crystal mystery clock 出自他的導(dǎo)師

 羅伯特·胡丁之手 made by his mentor, Robert-Houdin. 這個(gè)是他用過(guò)的攝影機(jī) And this... is one of his actual cameras. 他是個(gè)魔術(shù)師

  He was a magician? 是啊

 他從舞臺(tái)魔術(shù)起家 Yes. He began on the stage. 他是怎么開(kāi)始拍電影的 How did he start making movies? 沒(méi)人知道 No one really knows. 看他多高興啊 Look how happy he is. 塔巴爾德教授

 你會(huì)不會(huì) Professor Tabard, would you perhaps... 愿意見(jiàn)他一面 ...like to meet him? 可是

 我已經(jīng)見(jiàn)過(guò)他了 Oh... but you see, I have met him. 我哥哥是個(gè)木匠

 幫梅里耶做過(guò)布景 My brother worked as a carpenter building sets for Méliès. 有一天他帶我去參觀攝影棚 One day he took me to visit the studio. 那就像做夢(mèng)一樣 It was like... something out of a dream. 整個(gè)房♥子都是用玻璃做的 The whole building was made of glass. 其實(shí)這么做是為了 In reality, this was to 拍片時(shí)更好地采光 let in all the sunlight necessary for filming 但在我眼里

 那簡(jiǎn)直就是 but to my eyes, it was nothing short of...

 一個(gè)奇幻城♥堡♥ ...an enchanted castle. 一個(gè)玻璃宮殿 A palace made of glass. 再亮一點(diǎn) We need more light! -打開(kāi)百葉窗


 開(kāi)大點(diǎn) - Get the louvers opened. - Open the louver, please! More! 閑雜人等退場(chǎng)

 演員留下 Clear the set, please! Everybody except actors. 演員留下

 閑雜人等退場(chǎng) Actors only on the set, please. Clear the set! 為什么要再拍一遍 Why we doing this again? 美人魚(yú)被前面的龍蝦遮住了 There was a lobster in front of a mermaid. 好的


 就喊遮住了 OK, if that happens again, shout "Blocked." 如果沒(méi)有

 就向我示意一下 If its clear, give me a clear 如果你想知道你的夢(mèng)都是從哪兒來(lái)的 If you"ve ever wondered where your dreams come from... 看看四周就明白了 ...you look around. 這里就是造夢(mèng)之地 This is where they"re made. 女士們先生們

 太陽(yáng)要下山了 Ladies and gentlemen, the sun will set! 騎士就位

 龍蝦就位 Knights in position, lobsters in position. 美人魚(yú)就位

 開(kāi)拍 Mermaids in position. Action! 最后

 他拍了五百多部電影 In the end, he made over 500 movies. 成了轟動(dòng)一時(shí)的名人 He was phenomenally popular in his day. 但是

 他為什么不拍了呢 But... why did he stop? 今天之前

 我一直以為他陣亡了 Up until today, I believed that he died in the war... 就像其他很多人一樣

 ...like so many others. 我們能看看他的電影嗎 Could we watch some of his movies? 我也希望你們可以 I wish you could. 但時(shí)間對(duì)老電影不留情啊 But time hasn"t been kind to old movies. 這是我們所知的唯一一部流傳下來(lái)的影片 This is the only one that we know of that survived. 幾百部作品只剩這一部了 Out of hundreds, one. 不過(guò) And still... 這是部經(jīng)典之作 ...it is a masterpiece. 我們要讓塔巴爾德給喬治爸爸放那部電影 We"ve got to get Tabard to show Papa Georges the film. 這樣他就知道自己并沒(méi)有被遺忘 Then he"ll see he"s not forgotten. 要告訴讓娜媽媽嗎 Shouldn"t I tell Mama Jeanne? 不


 就像變戲法一樣 No. I think it should be a surprise, like a magic trick. 我們應(yīng)該要有點(diǎn)

 派頭 We need to have some... panache. 派頭 Panache. 說(shuō)得好 Well done! 克勞德先生 Monsieur Claude? 你在上面嗎 Are you up there? 克勞德先生

 是你嗎 Monsieur Claude, was that you? 扳手拿穩(wěn)了

 你這個(gè)笨蛋左撇子 Keep a grip onto your spanners you cack-handed oaf! 你拿酒瓶子不是挺穩(wěn)當(dāng)嘛 You can hold onto a bottle well enough, can"t you? 你喝醉了嗎 Are you inebriated?



 還是喝醉了 Chateauxed, are we? Shicker? Are you drunk? 他喝暈了 He"s passed out. 不省人事了

 不是嗎 He"s passed out, isn"t he? 你這傻大個(gè) You bloated buffoon! 砸到小孩怎么辦 Could"ve hurt a child. 這是什么書(shū) What have we here? 儒勒·凡爾納

 沒(méi)錯(cuò) Jules Verne. Yes, indeed. -在法國(guó)還算有名

 -這是我們最好的版本 - Not unknown in France. - One of our finest. 裝幀精良 Very good plates. 拉比西先生那天晚上給了我一本書(shū) Monsieur Labisse gave me a book the other night. 他總是這樣

 用他的話說(shuō)就是 He"s always doing that, sending books to a good home. 給書(shū)找個(gè)好歸宿 That"s what he calls it. 這是他的 He"s got real... 使命 ...Purpose. 什么意思 What do you mean? 一切事物都有使命

 就連機(jī)器也一樣 Everything has a purpose, even machines. 鐘要報(bào)時(shí)

 火車(chē)要帶你去往目的地 Clocks tell the time and trains take you places. 它們都在做著本職工作 They do what they"re meant to do. 就像拉比西先生 Like Monsieur Labisse. 也許這就是為什么機(jī)器壞掉我會(huì)這么難過(guò) Maybe that"s why broken machines make me so sad. 這樣它們就不能盡到自己的職責(zé)了

 They can"t do what they"re meant to do. 也許人也是一樣 Maybe it"s the same with people. 如果你生活毫無(wú)目的

 那就好像你壞了 If you lose your purpose, it"s like you"re broken. 就像喬治爸爸 Like Papa Georges. 說(shuō)不定我們可以修好他 Maybe we can fix him. 修理東西是不是你的使命 Is that your purpose, fixing things? 不知道 I don"t know. 我爸爸干這個(gè) It"s what my father did. 我在想我的使命是什么 I wonder what my purpose is. 我不知道 I don"t know. 也許如果我知道我父母是誰(shuí) Maybe if I had known my parents... 我就會(huì)知道了 I would know 跟我來(lái) Come with me. 我父親死后

 我經(jīng)常到這兒來(lái) Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot. 我會(huì)想象世界就是一...

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